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Wondrous item, common

This large sugarbomb is roughly two inches in diameter. Its flavors are a mix of savory, sweet, spicy, salty, bitter, and sour, but also refreshes you as it's slowly eaten. The sugarbomb is solid and slowly dissolves in the mouth, changing in flavor each time you reach a new layer. An everlasting sugarbomb provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day after one minute of letting it dissolve in your mouth. The sugarbomb fully dissolves after 30 uses. You can bite through to the center of the everlasting sugarbomb following a successful DC 25 Strength or Constitution check. If you do, you are forced to make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you are poisoned for one minute and suffer from painful nausea.

Sour sour sour sour! Ack! So much salt! Oh, there's a sweet layer!



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