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Stalking always brought out the best in Cho. He'd have never thought this would be the line of work he'd get into, but the challenge was gratifying, and he got to use his hands. The dark of night was always so peaceful, too. Well, for him, at least.

He watched as the robed man turned a corner down an alley. Definitely headed for the Den.

Cho continued to watch as the man fumbled with keys at an unmarked door. He rapped on it in a staggered pattern before turning the knob, dim lantern light striking his face as the door creaked open.

The man's expression changed from worry to cold horror as Cho's dagger pressed into his back, the color and light seeming to drain away from his face. This was his chance, and he wasn't going to miss it. He felt his body shiver as strange magics took over, hiding his form and giving him several precious seconds for him to find his next target.



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