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Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires attunement)

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This weapon can be attuned to by two friendly creatures together over the course of a long rest. If the weapon is attuned to by two creatures in this way, the weapon’s attack and damage bonus becomes +2 instead.

This greatsword is made of two long scimitars that are held together by a powerful, unidentifiable magic. You can speak the weapon’s command word using a bonus action to separate it into a pair of scimitars or recombine them into the greatsword. If you are not already holding it when you speak the weapon’s command word and are on the same plane of existence as it, you can choose to summon either one or both scimitars to your hand as individual blades or as the combined greatsword.

The scimitars have the thrown property with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet when separated. The scimitars deal piercing damage when thrown.

Each scimitar also has its own elemental effect — either fire or cold — that inflicts an extra 1d6 fire or 1d6 cold damage with each strike, depending on which sword you hit with. When you hit with an attack using the greatsword, the target takes both fire and cold bonus damage from the attack.

Each attuned creature can cast the fire shield spell once at 4th level without expending a spell slot. You do not need material or somatic components when casting it in this way. Once you cast this spell, you cannot cast it again until the following dawn.

"Love? Love isn't a game: it's a war. And you'd better figure out which end of the blade you're on."



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