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Armor (plate), legendary (requires attunement)

This dark armor is covered in feathery ornamentations and streaks of scarlet. While wearing it, you gain resistance to fire and poison damage, and you can use a bonus action to extend a pair of spectral wings from your back. The color of the wings' feathers is determined by your alignment: black (evil), gray (neutral), or white (good). The wings remain until you use a bonus action to end the effect, during which time you have a flying speed of 30 feet.

When you use a bonus action to extend the wings, you create a burst of hellish or celestial energy. If your wings are black, each hostile creature within 10 feet of you must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw or be affected by the bane spell. If your wings are gray or white, each friendly creature other than you within 10 feet of you is affected by the bless spell. Regardless, you must concentrate on the spell as normal, up to its duration. A creature affected by this version of bane takes an extra 1d6 fire damage whenever it's hit with an attack, and a creature affected by this version of bless reduces any damage it takes by 1d6.

Curse. This armor is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. While you're cursed, you gain the following flaw: "You can always hear a voice whispering in your mind, giving you extreme perspectives on matters at hand. The perspectives are evil if your alignment is good, good if your alignment is evil, or evil and good if your alignment is neutral. You find it hard to immediately dismiss the voices."


To draw the line between risen and fallen is not so simple, not so absolute. The gifts of the divine and the infernal are more alike than separate, both bent in absolute surety for their ends. One may walk in shadow to carve a world of their desire in flame, one in light to ward what they hold most dear, but both in purpose seek to shape the world.

—Words of Advector Lux of the Burning Wings, declared after her fall but long before her further fall to mortality
