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Weapon (arrow), very rare

The body of this arrow is twisted in a warping spiral. Small gateways are imprinted on the arrow's head. When you hit a creature with this arrow, that creature must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or be affected by the banishment spell (no concentration required); the creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns for the duration, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Alternatively, you can use an action to snap the arrow, releasing the magic inside and targeting yourself with the spell instead. You automatically fail the saving throw, but can end the effect at the end of any of your turns (no action required).

The arrow loses its magic once it banishes a creature in this way.

Other types of magic ammunition of this kind exist, such as banishing bolts meant for a crossbow, though arrows are most common.


"Hey. Hey, Sunshine, look at me. Listen, okay?" Her honeyed voice almost managed to hide the fear behind it. "Hang tight. I'll patch you up in no time."

The two tieflings, gold and indigo, lay quietly at the center of the room. Blood and cinders ringed them, telling the story of the battle they'd won—at a cost.

A bleary eye looked back up to meet her gaze. The tiefling nodded, slowly, and a deep line of blood dripped from their gilded lips.

But words of healing weren't enough, and they both already knew it.

After a minute, a golden hand stopped the purple one's from casting yet another wasted spell. Their raspy words crackled out "I need you to take your bolt—that last one—I need you to take it and break it, okay? I want to go home. It sounds nice, doesn't it?"

Purple eyes turned gray as they began to well with tears. The venom was too powerful to overcome, and with every spell she cast, she dug her own grave ever deeper.

Her hand reached into the quiver and withdrew the corkscrewed bolt within. She washed the crimson from the golden tiefling's face with salty tears. She choked out, "Aye. It does sound good...."

The snap echoed like the crack of thunder, and she winced as the golden tiefling disappeared with a soft pop. She cried. At least one of them was safe. And home at last.



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