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Hi everyone! I hope this post finds you well. Just wanted to get a quick update out on how things are going and what's to come.

Killjoy animation is nearing completion, and i'm working on the last few shots, after which i'll move onto refining the physics and then editing. When this is finished I will likely do another futa video, BUT that doesn't mean i'm going to exclusively do it from now on. I'm likely going to aim for a 50/50 balance since it's not everyone's cup of tea, but likewise some prefer it.

I am also working on finishing some past requests from the discontinued tier that i'd promised people.

Finally, and perhaps the most interesting news, is that i'm working on creating original characters! This is a time-consuming process, especially making a 3D character. Along with said character, I'm making outfits, which with enough practice will open the possibility of unique clothing items that are better suited for specific scenarios. This will take a while to finish, and updates on this will come over the long-term due to the scope of the project.

It's a mouthful, but that's all the stuff I have in the works. I hope you will enjoy what's in store, as I look forward to bringing these projects to fruition. :)

Stay Tuned,



Lol Face323

I love all growth idc what part - I just would love to see some h u g e sizes in the future! giga-tera (country to planet) sized would be great! Tho I know a lotta peeps like smaller - I'm only in it fro the growth so bigger==better for me


Awesome news and a lot to get done. I wish you luck on all of it!