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50 likes for next episode!

CREW! Thanks for your patience gang, I'll see you guys with two more eps this weekend! <3

did not realize it was already saturday lol, another extra ep will come asap!


Lady Claire

I think the plot hole thing you were talking about is different because she didn't say anything specific like before (you will get hurt if you join this competition). She didn't say that she came back from the future to save his life because this guy is going to kill you, just that she's from the future. And I think she can sing the song at this point because Sun Jae has already written it. If he hadn't created yet, I don't think she would be able to sing it.


I can’t say too much about the plot hole thing without giving what will happen in later episodes but we know that she only can’t say things that will or have happened in the future that doesn’t answer much but I’ll have to wait until I can explain further what I mean… anyways I just hope that you will understand Sol’s hurt, trauma and frustration going forward not saying that you don’t lol just a hope I have since there was a lot of discourse amongst kdrama watchers since ppl only seemed to care about Sunjae’s pain while completely undermining or straight ignoring Sol’s pain… remember up until now she’s practically had to bottle up this pain and is blaming herself for Sunjae’s incident and she has no one she can talk to about it so I hope ppl can understand her feelings and decisions 🙏🏽