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It's been a few weeks, I needed them though! Either way, we're back and we've connected with the guys again in another good ep of SS. Some growth is made and laughs were had, enjoy!



Sarahel Khyss

Haruto and Jihoon shined so much


thx for the upload, glad u enjoyed!! watching everyone’s reactions i feel like i was the only one not surprised by sowon lmao. not saying i would’ve done the same or agree, but it made sense imo. she’s obviously the most pushy and straightforward of the girls (in a good way), and the whole point is for the guys to appeal to the girls and grow, not the other way around. i imagine she saw the awkward trio making progress & noted it, so it was between jikyu for the recorder, and she probably wasn’t thinking too seriously abt it. jihoon saying “i realized out of the 6 girls, 1 might of them might feel this way” kinda adds to it. of course majority of them are going to think he's doing fine, cause he is, but there would be 1 person who’s like hey the show’s purpose is for u to try more yknow?


and aligning with what you said, i do think it was kinda her own way of saying “being nice is cool and all, but i was waiting for you to talk to me more.” she would rlly only see growth if he maybe just talked to her more and thus “showed a different charm.” or who knows maybe i like her too much to disagree haha