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ok let's do this again! thanks for the questions last month!!!!

February Q&A time! you can ask me questions, you can ask my characters questions, and you can ask me questions ABOUT my characters! i'll draw the characters' responses in quick doodles and do as many as i can. feel free to ask multiple questions! (just a heads up i probably won't answer anything super personal about myself LOL. fine for my OCs tho!)

and here's a link to my OC page !!! 

also here's some random ask meme questions?? (you dont HAVE to pick from these, they're just ideas!)





I will pick on the first list the 5) and also : Do your art help ya to manage your feelings or just to "liberate" all of this sometimes ? (Sorry ifs it's too personal, I feel sometimes alone to just make OC to express myself because I don't know how to manage my thoughts and feelings without that ^^')


(I forgot this one !) How do you learn to draw and how the idea of becoming freelancer with Patreon came to your mind ? Was it difficult at the beggining ?