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Hey, everyone! Here's the latest TRY early - this time, we're back with some more weird pregnancy food cravings! Let's see what our TRYers thought of these odd food choices! Enjoy! :D

- The TRY Team

Direct link: https://vimeo.com/915546549/421ffad7c2?share=copy


Irish People Try The Weirdest Preganancy Cravings 3


Jackson Bross

Justine (to Dermot): "That's you taking it?" Me: (updates Dermot fanfic)

Don Proctor (lostagain)

Glad to see Justine back! I read somewhere a while ago that these cravings are due to the woman's body needing some nutrient from the different foods she's craving. At least I think that was the gist of it. Fun vid, and Dermot's face with the coffee grounds....priceless!