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New sign ups, make sure to DM for keys for now. I'm afraid without our automated system it has become hard again for me to keep on top of new keys. Moving to Sweden last week has put quite the spanner in the gears! 

- Katie 



Ill aim to distribute every Friday


I would love a key I've been watching game for while now even played the demo when it was on steam for a bit I was gonna get the 7.50$ member ship but I'm no longer able to if not it all good I just loved the game hope to see full game when it out!

Matt Bleckinger

3 white dots on the top right of the patreon page and has an option to message the creator there


hello there I just take email to dm here for kays?

Thomas Wetzel

Trying to find where to DM....any help? Thanks!

Michael McKinney

Congrats on the move! New builds are pretty irregular right?


I sent a DM I'm super excited!


Hello, i sent a DM too ! I really want to play this beautiful game ! Thanks !

Ruby Muzyka

I’ve been following the development for over 2 years now I’m so excited to get my key


Did ash go with you?

Nala Ackaba

I have sent a dm ^^


If not this Friday aka today is understandable just get settled and get done when you can but I'm excited to play lol

Fabi Dev

Hey, i've already DM you but didn't receive anything :(


Going to do that now




I sent you a DM asking for permission, okay?


i am in the membership now can i have my key?


how do i get the key?


i realized that you got married, congratulations :)


will I get my key tommorow?


am I supposed to get the key today?

Leonard baniecivich

i heard you got covid i hope everone well now leo gera nz

J O'Keefe

plz give me key


Am looking to receive this key so I can enjoy your game :) thank you


Hi also looking for a key and great work so far


May I also have a key thank you


I would like a key, please and thank you!


May I please have a key?


I would like a key, please


I would like a key, please

Killeh Bunny

Just got here, big fan, I guess i'd like a key? lol

Land Hemi

I would like a key, please


I require a key aswell

Lexi Lunarpaw

I am utterly confused how the key system works... the read me says once a day and not on weekends but this post says once a week.... i'm really confused as to when i will get my key....


Hi, just subscribed! Have really high hopes for this, here to request for my key please, have a good day!

aaron letendre

I need a key as well please


i just subbed as well please

Household Account

Hey there, my two boys 8 and 6 are badgering me for a key everyday for two months :D They can't wait to play your game. If you could send a key, I'd be eternally grateful. Thanks, Ray.

Andrea West

Hi! I just joined. Can I have a key please?

hunter williams

I joined a few days ago and it says to ask for a key

Lizard Bread

asking for a key. Take your time, love the game and community you've all made.

Jclee Sliter

I need a key when you get a chance to :)

Matthew Haines

Hello, I just joined. Please can I have a key when you get the time?

Zach Osborne

Hi! I just joined and would like a key whenever able :)


Hi! I just joined. Could you please send me a key as soon as possible?

Daniel Zubin

May I please get a key when you guys are available? Thanks


May I please get a Key when available? Thank you

Jacob Lovell

Hi, I just pledged. How can I get my pre alpha?


hey, i'd like a key whenever you've got the time. thanks!


Hello! I'd like a key once you are available, thank you!


First of all, Happy New Year to everyone and secondly, it would be nice if I could get a key if you have time thank you

Frumppy Beef

hello anyone know if you got the play test key dose it up date to the current one or to i have to request for a new key each update ?


Hello, could I please get the key? Tysm!

Mark Heathcliff

hey! i would love to get the key!!


Asking for a key please! Been excited to see this game and would love to see the early and full releases of the game 👍💥


I know it's the weekend, but I need a key sent to me! Thank you


im still waiting ;-;

Mark Heathcliff

Me too! i wanna play the barnaby chase so bad <3

John Michael Villwock

Please keys.. I have been paying for a year … do I need new keys?


Should I make a DM via Discord or where?


Read the membership section all the information is there


Can I have a key please been waiting for a long time

Bret Shafer

Key please? :) thank you!

Chris Carr

Key please

Nibbs Gaming

I need a key thank you


do i get the key if i dm on the weekends

blue great

Key please

Harrison Lee

Hello! Can I have a key please?


please send a key


please can i have a key?

Angel Stephens

take your time your only human you got this

EXE notFound

Hi, I'm new here. Is it still possible to get keys? If so, it would be great to get one. Thanks in advance.

gamerman czech

Hello, please send a key, thank you

De Jesus Dylan

Hello i'm new too and i wonder if i can get a key too ?

Harrison Lee

Note to everyone. I had the same problem as you. They distribute keys every friday. Direct message the patreon and ask for a key on friday. sometime later they will give keys.

Harrison Lee

Your welcome! Had some trouble a week ago when I was doing it for the first time. Glad to help you out!


I can get a key too?


Key please

Shelby Kinkead

Just subscribed, was planning to do it earlier this week but I wanted to line it up with the other Patreon memberships I had presently. Anyway can I get my Key please? Edit: actually now that I think about it what are “Key”(s)?


I subscribed and just ask for the key, thanks :D


I would love a key, thank you

Avox Invent

Hello i hope to had my key too, someone know what the time to receive own ?

Hope Occhipinti

a key please and thank you huge fan of Billie Bust Up you guys are great :)


Can I have key please?

irum nazir

I'm sorry but I'm failing to find the new billie bust up demo :-(

Harrison Lee

Hmm. That’s strange. Idk how to help. I recommend joining the discord for help.

SugaryDeath's Art

May I have a key please!? I am very interested in the development of this game and want to see where its going! TY for the hard work and hope the move is going well!


Hey, I DM'd twice nearly a week ago now, was just wondering if I could get a key


Hi can I get a key please

Shelby Kinkead

I rarely used Steam mainly because the laptop I used is not strong enough to handle certain games. It’s able to handle games like those from the portal series or Undertale, just not games that use a more powerful engine Edit: also before I had came across this game, I didn’t even knew a concept like SteamKey even existed

juan soriano

My son is excited to play. DM'd for the key. Cant wait!

vany sempai

w8 my key, please watch dm

Arshdeep Singh

Id like an Access key 😄 :3


I would like an access key please :)


I am still waiting for a key please can I have one.


I never got my key for the new build


Dmed for a key a week ago. No response


we are also waiting for new member key and update key

Kasu Cup

If I have a key for Barnaby chase I have to ask for a new key?

G Kidd

That's very helpful of you to post. But what an utterly scammy way to run a Patreon; they're strangely not so useless when it comes to taking money or posting a new fund-raiser.


i hope i get the barnaby chase key

Logan Fanchier

I hope I get that Barnaby chase key.

Kevin Martin

How do i obtain the key to the game?


how do i beat the tutorial in the new build?


nvm i accdently did it


can I get a key please?

Zombie King

Can I get a key?


Hi i'm new so how does the whole Key System work.

Aiden Littlejohn

If this is where I ask for a key, can I please have one?


how do i buy stuff inn the test map in billie bust up?

blue great

please could i have a key


can I have a key for every level that is out please?