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Hi there!
For my mental health I will only be distributing keys on week days. I need some full days off work. Additionally if you do not receive your key make sure to do the following steps 

- Your key will be delivered to the email your Patreon is signed up with

-Check your spam/junk folder 

- if you still have no key after 48 hours dm the account on Patreon not our email. We cannot access your information via email

-Please be patient and kind. After gamescom a lot of our crew got very sick with COVID, and my wedding is in a week (which I did zero planning for because of gamescom). Along with a massive uptick in Patrons, we went from maybe on average 1 patron a day to 86 a day consistently. Its a wonderful problem to have but please don’t send us hate emails after 1 day of not getting your key. Please trust we are working as hard as we can 💖 




I'm so sorry to hear ab that! Take some well-deserved time off, and focus on yourself! Congrats on the wedding!


Hope you had a fun gamescon and yay for the wedding!!! Congrats Katie, have an awesome time! :D And genuinely, take as much time as you need with everything!! Ppl who want a key can wait for however long you all need. Hope everyone who's ill/burned out feels better soon, you guys are doing great :)


oof covid is no fun we wish you the best luck


Please take your time Katie and BBU crew!! 💙

Anthony Jr Gonzalez

Just subscribed to the highest tier you got :)


it's sad you have to say "but please don’t send us hate emails after 1 day of not getting your key." like can't people just wait,and also in my view this is not a pay = pre-alpha access,it's a way to help and contribute to bbu development,and as gratitude they give keys to make supporters play the game early

Amon Moore

It’s all cool. Take your weekend off


Its good take the time you need


I can wait


take all the time in the world! and i hope you guys get better!


i kind of mad from that not to be rude but because i became a patreon on saterday.