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I was certainly curious and had to check out what a tour of theirs would be like but I was pretty disappointed but this shouldn't surprise anyone.

It feels like not only have JYP given up on them but their hands are tied and there's not much they can do to shake the rut they're in.

I'd like to assume the more recent OT4 tour is better. ONE outfit change for a concert is CRAZY, where is the budget?! It's like they were just went through the emotions and didn't anything new for the concert experience which is crazy cos they've done award show remixes from what I remember.

It's a shame cos their discography still has some SOLID hits! I'd love to see them developed as touring artists and allowed the artistic freedom to express themselves and head into the direction they want.





I haven't watched yet but your face in the thumbnail told me all I need to know 😂😂😂😂.... I do think OT4 performances are way better

Myah Gibson

Looking back at this tour their recent tour is better. They performed all the songs you can tell they enjoy. The budget was slightly better as well. I think having their own solo songs was also a reason it was better to me.


The recent tour is so much better 😩 I hope you give them another chance


You know, I'd have to agree regarding the disappointment although I had a blast singing along when I saw them in LA. It was fun but I wanted more. They had them in the small YouTube theater when they should have been at the Forum minimum. Bare minimum budget baby but Yeji's stage presence was amazing. She stole the whole damn show for me honestly. It's a shame I'll be out of town when they're here in a couple weeks at the Forum where they should have performed in the first place. I really want to see how/if they have evolved artistically or were given some creative freedom with their performance.


once again i’m happy you checked them out even if you’re disappointed! fyi: they had the same outfits even during their solo stages 🚶🏾‍♀️ the recent concerts feel more like a show than this one without a doubt

maya k

i’m actually seeing them live in about 2 weeks!! never seen their concert live or online so i’m gonna watch this one with you to prepare lol from your description though i do hope this current tour is better!!


From what I've seen and heard, this recent tour is MILES better than their first one. I know a lot of people think it feels incomplete without Lia but the BUDGET on this tour is so much more and it shows, I'm pretty sure they have like 4 outfit changes for this recent tour plus special outfits for their solos. I hope you can give the recent one a chance one day! Because seeing fancams, I can say without a doubt that their stages have improved. Seeing them live in 17 days!

Candice Blair

"Born to Be" is much better. They have a band traveling with them on the "Born to Be" tour, but I guess you decided to check this one out first. I also saw this tour and wasn't disappointed when I saw them, but I don't pay attention to things like clothing changes. I wouldn't notice things like that at all. It never crossed my mind. I was just happy to see them and never felt disappointed. I was entertained when I saw them, and I've been to concerts where I was not entertained. I don't think JYPE has given up with them at all. Could they work on things? Yes. Even now, things are getting better slowly, but I also found some things people care about and complain about are things I don't care about as a fan. I've experienced where JYPE has given up on a group. I've seen it with miss A and GOT7, and no, that's not the case with ITZY. The girls do have a say in things, and if people don't agree with their choices either, then maybe ITZY just isn't for you anymore or will never be again. They did for the "Kill My Doubt" album and especially the "Born to Be" album. You could see their energy and happiness return with "Kill My Doubt." I think they are like, yeah, this is us, take it or leave it, which is what "Kill My Doubt" was about. The "Born to Be" album basically says they have their confidence truly back and will be their unapologetic selves. Their solo songs are them, and they all have a reason for why they wrote them. Yeji's solo it's a call back to Dalla Dalla in her lyrics, and crowns are an ITZY thing. Yuna said she wanted a happy virus song plus her song is a pun on the word preety, Chaeryeong song is a love song to herself, Lia's song is about her being ready when she's ready, and Ryujin's song is a break up song. Sneakers haunted them, even though it was their best-charting song after Dalla Dalla in Korea. That era rocked their confidence, even though it was one of their best charting and selling eras. The way people reacted internationally really shook them. "Kill My Doubt" album and "Born to Be" album, you can see they finally shook it off. The concert featured new things. It wasn't the original MITM, Sorry, Not Sorry, and they performed songs they had never done before. I can't remember everything, but it was remixes of certain songs.


Also from fancams, they look so much *happier* with the songs they were given for this tour and I think, if I remember, Yeji had said that she disliked some of the choreos for the first tour because they were so taxing on top of the weird vocal things they had going on in a lot of tracks. This time around, they have some songs with less intense choreo so it isn't a workout for 3 hours LOL


Let me know your thoughts after you've watched! Leave a new comment so I don't miss it.

Walcott Koenig

I was also disappointed the first time I watched this concert because my favorite thing about ITZY is their live performances. The most obvious thing is the budget, but that’s not something JYP did specific to ITZY. The budget for Stray Kids’ first tour was similar down to the one outfit change (but SKZ got to change their white jackets to different white jackets after 3 songs, so I guess that was something?), but yeah no live band, no platform stages, and maybe one song remix. The reason it feels so ridiculous here is, although it was ITZY’s first tour, instead of being a year and a half into their debut like Stray Kids, it had been OVER 3 YEARS since they debuted. So, solely because of COVID, JYP gave them the rookie tour budget when they were already established artists. So, although the budget is noticeable, I can get past stuff like that. The reason I actually felt disappointed is what you mentioned about the members just going through the motions and not adjusting their performance to a live concert setting through ad-libs and audience interaction. For the most part this concert feels like a routine music show performance without an audience. They did solo performances (they were all covers, so I assume they were cut out of the DVD due to copyright) and while Chaeryeong’s was my favorite, Yeji’s had the most ‘concert energy’ where she shouted and interacted with the audience. Other than that, it was hard to tell when/if the members were genuinely enjoying the performance. The Born to Be tour is on a MUCH larger scale (like the Maniac tour was for Stray Kids). There’s a live band that does interesting arrangements of the songs, several dance and instrumental breaks comparable to their award show performances, moving/platform stages, and all of the members have original solo performances with personalized outfits. You can tell the members are excited to perform and their energy is much better. Yeji especially is really good at hyping the audience. I’m guessing they have more creative freedom with their tour stages now because they do with their music (I know the "Kill My Doubt" album was based on the member's ideas/experiences and the members were involved with the music and lyrics for their solos on the "Born to Be" album). I really love ITZY’s discography and performance ability and think the Born to Be tour shows it off well. I look forward to what they do in the future and hopefully they’ll be even stronger when Lia returns.


Love this comment! Thanks for the explanations! It really makes sense that they were wrongly given a rookie budget. I'll be looking forward to reacting to them once Lia's back. She really has been gone for a minute!


My opinion is biased because I was 3rd row and got a lot of fan service during the checkmate tour and I love Itzy so I had the time of my life. We could tell JYP spent $4 on the entire show though😂 I’m going to the Born To Be tour in a week though and I can tell from videos online the budget will be better, and the setlist has more of my favorites


Ah, this is the older tour... yeah, I'll wait for your reaction to the latest tour. Not going to watch this another time, haha... for reasons you have explained in your description :)


Curious have you ever listened to some of there Japanese releases


When idols don't have energy on stage, sometimes I can't tell if it's out of a misguided nonchalance (w/ the aim to embody a "cool factor"), or a lack of stamina/endurance, or both. Cause idk if it's a lack of motivation. At least, I can imagine being young and wanting to portray a confidence that you're really only going to achieve with time, and with a comfortability and strength in yourself and your body, that maybe you just don't have yet.


I’m just curious what you would think about those tracks. They Voltages, Blah Blah Blah, Ringo and algorithm.


i’m not sure if this is true, but i’m hearing rumours that itzy have new staff. and it’s lowkey adding up bc lately they have been getting so much promo outside of comeback activities. so many tiktok challenges, they’re getting a new lightstick (their current one is so bad lol), and chaeryeong has her own variety show now!! not to mention the quality of their current tour has been great. i’m hoping they also head in a good direction with their music bc i love these girls


*sighs* yeah… I love this concert because I love Itzy and it was their first tour, but it’s not great, especially when compared to the other shows JYP was putting on at the same time. I’m glad they got a better set this time around, I just wish Lia was there. I saw Born to Be here in London and honestly had a BLAST. I can’t wait for this new management change to bring us the OT5 tour we (and Itzy) truly deserve. Thanks for checking it out tho!