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Thank you all for your participation in the survey!

I could see a general trend pretty early on and don't need more data to go on. Based on the survey, I've put together 5 different polls that will open up once I hit 500 patrons. +$15 patrons will vote first and their result will be added to the votes of +$1 patrons (this means that each +$15 patron will have the power of 2 votes).

Here is the base model of Sage (based on the survey):

The following polls will be held:

Hair color

Eye color


Belly button piercing

Facial stud(s)

More information regarding these polls will follow as I reach 500 patrons.

For high resolution images of each image, see the attachments.


Dr PinkCake




Nice work as usual


Dammit Dr Pink, what are you doing to me?? That face, those freckles, that hair style and skin color argh you're killing me lol. The base model is freaking gorgeous. Soon my top 5 female characters are all going to come from just your work. Two are already there and this might make three. Bravo Dr Pink, just Bravo!


eyes i like 5 its same is my


I like the tattoo, where is it from?


Personally, I would vote for: 2,5,1,2,4

Bruce Vahl

Now there's a girl I could go for. But, how can I keep the MC away from her?


1, 3, 2, 2, 4 <3 :D CHEERS (c)


hmm, the poll winner for body tattoo was none ?


Quote from the survey post. "I will design mockup models based on this survey and, as long as it makes sense, I will try to stick to the top choices when I'm designing Sage. But I will also create models with slight variations."


1 2 2 2 4


Sage looks very good. I'm impressed. For Me: 2,5,1,2,4

Kobold Lad

Hey, was wondering if you could keep the polls open just a bit longer next time, probably due to my time zone and work hours I completely missed the last ones.


Hi! This poll was only a short survey and I got 2000+ votes with clear trends. The poll determining the winning combination will be open for 1 week. Cheers


She's gorgeous x


Thank you


Your last one Sucks, I'm a retired Fireman and there is NO WAY You can't save both girls I KNOW THIS AS THE TRUTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!