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First off a warm welcome to all the new people, I hope you're enjoying the project! I'm also certain we'll get another wave of new people like always once the public release of episode 3 is out on the 7th. So it's a good time to tell everyone about the current plans of action!

-Episode 4 is a commissioned one, and will feature this cute Female Guilmon! I've already got a good portion of it done so we should see it at the start of June. Like always, Patreons will be seeing the full storyboard in a few days, which contains the sketch keyframes for the intro animation, foreplay animation and sex animation.

-We have a voting each month. This time voting will be on the 7th, and will be for a short animation loop. It will feature a bunch of character from past votes, so you might get a second chance if your favorite didn't get picked last times. Please make sure you read the voting rules when the post goes up!

-From now on, I'll try to make sure to alternate between 3 categories each Episode. Those categories are Pony, Furry, humanoid (Humanoid includes things like humans, robots, anime and furless/scaleless biped) For example we just did Fluttershy, so the next line ups will go like this:
Episode 3 - Pony (Fluttershy)
Episode 4 - Furry (Guilmon)
Episode 5 - Humanoid (To vote)
Episode 6 - Pony (To vote)
Episode 7 - Furry (To vote)
That way we keep things varied and interesting and I don't get burned out of one particular serie or game.

If you have any questions let me know! Love ya!



Momma Rex

She already looks really cute


Guilmon and Renamon are the two digimon i love from the shows and games so seeing one of the two being in this game makes me what to see if Renamon gets in down the way i hope so but still happy for Guilmon being in it


Ohh tess😍😍

Furry Lover

w8ing fo 3,4,6,7 ! :D aa,I know,all of them will be good !

William Noble

Doesn't Guilmon count as a scaile?


Yeah, the 'furry' category includes anything that is more of an anthropomorphic animal in this case.

Lunar Airway

will tangles get her own file or maybe have a option for a budding romance between main character and her as the story progresses?


She will be the last episode, once I decide to end the game. So that might not be for a while.