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before I get lost in corn field 😆 yeah we was scouting for a shooting locations. Then we saw this amazing corn field at one half and the other half is just a dirt place. So I was excited to took some snaps there. Unfortunately I also need the restroom 🙈so I went far into the field and fear of  I will be spotted and maybe photographed while … I went really far into the field. Well the corn was about 2,5 meters tall so I wasn’t able to see which direction to go (to be noted I’m also a bit without orientation sense) so I was lost for like 5mins 😂 I was scream to the people so they can direct me by voices. I was also jumping to see it out. Wish I have the video 🙈 I know it’s Seems like I’m stupid but no this was the first time when something like that happen.
so just a bit of diary of a model which sometimes forget her head somewhere else 😘 

have a good night 

I’m ready to get my beauty sleep to be ready for tomorrow to create some new content for you ❤️
xoxo Domini



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