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Bad news: My hard drive has failed, and the July update plan will definitely be affected. The specific impact depends on the recovery situation, so it will definitely be postponed or even stopped in July.I'll let you know when I'm done sorting out the data.

The good news: I am accustomed to do a backup once a month, and it is only 10 days since the last time, and the data can still be recovered.

Now that this is the case, I finally made up my mind to buy a new machine to improve work efficiency and safety.

Sorry...the English is translated by machine, I hope everyone can understand.







That's good habit to do backups. How old was that drive?


lol join the club. My fileserver had a hardware failure on 1 of the HDD backplanes. 4HDD's dead of the 8 so data is not acessable now. Good news is it only killed the printed circuit board not the drive head's and motor. Trouble is my backup server is still in storage from when i moved it because of renovation works (that are still ongoing) so no recent backup. I contacted a company that does data retrival and if they can get 1 disk back online i can acces the all the data is the hdd array could take 3 failures and still be readable.


想到當初寫論文為了怕硬碟突然死去,備份四份。 有時候硬碟突然死去真的很傻眼,好險有備份 QQ


No worry's. I've learned the hard way to always pay attention to signs of drive failure so It's understandable how much stress a drive failing can cause.


That's a pretty long time for a working HDD, not as much if it's only data storage, but still.