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'The being finishes and proposes you take her place as an original host.

You still have your gun trained on the being.  She walks towards you.  The detached wing becomes a small being and heads unrushed towards some small storage boxes.

You can leave now with the girl easily.  However, with what you know about their abilities, you believe it will be exceedingly difficult to track down the beings in the future.  It's anyone's guess what would happen if they escaped into the nearby population.  They likely made an underground tunnel for just such a day, stopping them will be virtually impossible.'


Decision Poll





Everyone pick b


I can't help but want to hug the original host she looks adorable


Oh, I didn't even think about that. They would most definitely go out of control if we leave them untended. It seems we have only one option... Though if I'm honest, my heart says it's not a bad one.