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'You answer that whether a being that authored life and land exists is uncertain.

You leave and walk out into a hall no longer resembling a cabin.  A large being next to the door swipes the banana from your hand in its mouth.  It does nothing further.  Venomous messages are displayed on various monitors surrounding the walkway.

You find an exit into a stairwell and go down.  At the bottom is a door labeled 'lab.'  It is locked so you enter a nearby duct in hopes of finding a way in.  The sound of a bell leads you to agent Jingle who just arrived in the same duct system.  Together you approach a new room.'


There's no decision for this part.  The final chapter of The Boogies will begin to unfold next part.

You succeeded rejoining with Jingle.  You acquire her remaining lives.  No more extra lives will be available in this adventure.

You gained a life.  3 lives remain.



Humphrey Shark

That look like big hungry worm cats!!!


We'll never know how that banana tasted. ah well. now its time to decent to the garden of madness.