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It's just before midnight here and I finally got done with this infernal list.  I went through every part of the adventure, so even if you commented once during the last almost 40 parts plus game overs, you should be there.

Outside agents from twitter/FA/inkbunny may also have qualified for their persistent participation.  I ran out of time to do a full audit outside of patreon so I apologize if you should have been there.

This will be on Santa's servers so if I update it before I go to bed, he'll see it.  


- You may appear twice.  Just means I really didn't want to forget you

- If you appear both sides, the nice listing is invalid 

edit: oh btw merry Christmas!  Sorry, the only thing my brain has been focused on all evening was judging you and I forgot to say merry Christmas




Primarily to atone for my complete disregard of employee codes of conduct, including but not limited to: - Attempting to influence the Agents responsible for the poll without clearance to participate in the poll myself - Engaging in extended contact with individuals of unknown hostility to the Agency, and willfully giving away Agency secrets (no matter how benign) to them - Ignoring hunches that would have led to better outcomes were they followed - Posting Cringe Since that time, we can also add the following offenses to that list: - Breaking into areas where I am not authorized - Eavesdropping on confidential conversations - Bringing the wrong kind of sandwiches to the meeting room because HOW THE FUCK WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW SOMEONE HAD AN ALLERGY TO PROVOLONE CHEESE??? - Stealing a Carl's Jr. Gift Card with $12.73 on it - Using a Carl's Jr. Gift Card to gain entry into private meeting rooms beyond me clearance level - Posting Cringe (but more of it)


guilty as charged for at least one or 2 of the rooms I suppose XD. I am surprised I didn't make it on the list 2x since my name is different here, and I only left one message to the effect of cross-linking the name back to my FA account. some commendable detective work there I suppose 👍 lol what did "average fan enjoyer" do though? he seemed serious about helping the whole time as far as I noticed.


When I asked twitter to make their case before I made the list, AFE insisted that he be put on the naughty list. He seemed sincerely wracked with guilt though I don't know why either. As for you, your greatest crime was asking if I was going easy on you guys at the very moment your peril was greatest.


I'm nice yeeyyy ; v ;