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Part 18 

Poll closes in 24 hours.



The last time we were in this position (Decision #12), the wall panel showed that the vent boogie had just completed its noise check and was just starting to turn around. If we take the long route by following the camera drone, we'll lose our window. All this time as well, we have not had any floor noise cues from this room, so I'm presuming she can get by without issue.


Go to the vent, go to the vent, and probably for good measure, go to the vent


This is it!! Time to enter the vent and close this loop once and for all! New environments, new boogies and probably our rhyming ally await!!!!


I feel like we could use some snarky narration to liven things up a bit. You think the guy from The Stanely Parable is available? "And so Cassandra returned to the vent once again, fully convinced that if she keeps avoiding the boogies by never making any progress, they will eventually give up and go home. Erm, Cassandra you do realize that this IS their home, right? You are the one who is breaking in, not them."

Dream Searcher

50/50% Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


I'm having trouble even understanding why we have a tie at all, I thought the plan was pretty well understood: we go through the vent. I can only come to one conclusion, and that is that about fifty percent of us are probably trolls.


Maybe they just want to see how this "infinite loop" would play out? Maybe they hope they can get more booty shots this way? I dunno, your guess is as good as mine.


I mean, we'd get a decent amount of extra drawings if we win anyway...furthermore, if it's more game overs they want, we'll get more wherever the ladder in the next room leads. We'll get more cool stuff by progressing, not staying stagnant.


...come on, guys, we've been over this. The vent. The vent! Go for the vent! Why're you going after the big guy, what's the matter with you? You WANT us to be going in a constant loop??


The later voters tend to make time for reading the comments. But I have to admit, infinite loop gang is making an unexpectedly strong showing.


Honestly I think the vent might not be the correct one and we might escape from one loop into another one, we went through the vent to get to where we are and now we are going back through it for what, I really think that all things considered it might be a better option to see where the option b will get us, might be a better alternative since we would otherwise be going back to the same room we were on part 8


I know the vent might be bad but following boogies does not sound safe either


Looking at the poll, Ozoneserpent has broken half his comunety, me included. XD


We are going back to the same room as Part 8, but the difference now is that we drew away the boogie that was above the vent when we stepped on the noisy floor.


You really wanna let us crawl into another duct huh?


another? It is the same duct still. We haven't actually left the second area yet.


You have to be sus. You have to VENT.


I forgot to actually click the button for my vote. D'oh.... at least it still won out.


I read that and I heard that smooth voice in my head with each word. Nice mental image.