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Part 15 

Option A returns you to the door that leads to the large room, like part 10. 

Poll closes in 24 hours.


Ryan Drakel

And I'm already seeing dummies voting for the wrong answer when it's OBVIOUS What they should be doing, either not learning their lesson from last time or the 'Bad-End Humper' trolls I was speaking about.


Look at the screen people, the boogie is above the vent, again

Ryan Drakel

Go back a good few posts and you'll see the mistakes in the past. Pay attention to the screens. The answer is to turn back and distract the boogie with the noise of the floor then sprint back to the vent!


Big problem is both of these answers were technically not correct so I need to ask what’s different?


Take a look back at what's happened so far. The screen visible from the vent shows the relative position of the two boogies in the room, so the boogie that used to be over the vent is back now. The plan, I think, is to let the camera boogie pass, which will give Cass time to turn around and get through the door, attract the over-the-vent boogie away from the vent with our footsteps on the loud platform, and then rush back to the vent before the camera boogie makes its full loop. EDIT: Ah, beat me to the punch.


My biggest concern right now is where big guy is, so that we don’t accidentally run into him. Other than that, I see absolutely no reason to make the same mistake like we did last time.


Well they're in exactly the same position so looks like that was enough time for em to return to their post, the option states let the big guy pass so let's do that and make what decisions we have to after


It’s established we can turn around in tbe vent, so we should be safe on that front


And I can’t imagine Cassandra is stupid enough to crawl out of the vent without waiting for big guy. Unless there’s something we're missing, the answer is obvious.


Well, the one we attracted is back in its old spot, so exiting the vent is a no-no. I guess we really got no other option but to turn back and try again! All this going around in circles, but if that's what it takes then so be it. Plus to be honest, ozoneserpent being generous with option A skipping a lot of the usual steps tells me that's just the way to go, though it could also just be generosity. Or a trap. I dunno, but again, uncertain risk vs certain doom, we're doomed if we go out in front so let's just go back.


My only hope is we can reach the vent quicker next time around instead of having to be forced to around again because of the big guy, that gave the other one more than enough time to get back to its original position... (Even if the diversion DID get us a couple new lives, thank you very much for that ozone)


If we have to keep going back and forth until some opening happens is better than going out to force it and losing our newly gained lives


I just hope we will make some actual progress soon. I don't know about you, but I’m getting tired of these two rooms.


A part of me thinks we need to draw one of the boogies away and distract it long enough to either slip through the door or vent, without being spotted. Probably timing it with the camera boogies movements


I'll be honest, if the answer is A I'm going to be so tired. We have dicked about so much between these two rooms, and we're just not moving forward. If we need to go back yet again, spin our wheels even more it all just feels so stale. I don't even know if B is the right answer, but I'm voting for it, just in the hopes that we can move past this one stupid room and situation. I want something new.

Ryan Drakel

Voting for B is a death sentence because you're overlooking one crucial fact. The display in front indicates where the Boogies are. One is hovering *Right above the vent entrance*. The last time we tried to leave the duct, we got engulfed and got nailed by a GAME OVER.


I have a feeling that this is going to be the last time we backtrack before moving forward. Let’s hope that I’m right.


How likely is it that they might've detected or noticed something interacting with the 2-Up hole?


It looked the same when you left it as when you found it. You guys sure worry a lot.


Is that so bad tho? It just goes to show how invested we are in this.