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Part 2 

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Lets be real here, it's probably already seen us, so hiding in the locker is like hiding away after peeping around the corner. Plus since the Locker is a booby trap, this ALSO probably means if we are to hide, there could probably be some sensor within the Locker that goops us into a drone, or the Booby Drone will simply just corner us and goop us up, either way, the situation looks pretty "grim".


Hiding might be better if potentially the sudden movement sets it off, hiding would reduce the "vision based on movement". Either way its a bit of a pickle with the door open and the button right next to it. If it just closes the door, that won't help if Booby is already out


Sticky note on the locker reads, "Press the red To not be wed!" Since one of our options is to press the red button on the opposite wall, this note sounds very likely our clue on how to deal with "Booby".

Ryan Drakel

Grab something from the locker and throw it at the button! You don't got time to run to the button before 'Booby' activates!

Humphrey Shark

OMG!!!!! Really!!!!? ???? The red button!!!??? Red you're dead!


On the one hand, sticky note. On the other hand, when a threat appears, it feels like running *towards* it is not exactly the smartest of moves.


Can't help but wonder if, by being wed, the sticky note means living long enough to see a man again... or if wedding is a euphemism for getting assimilated by the boogie.


Pretty sure hiding in a locker is not the best move here, unless... they wouldn't put a secret passage inside a booby-trapped locker, would they?


You know, I think paying a life is wort it for a locker cene :)

Humphrey Shark

Change to Locker ! Before it too late!!!!!!!

Humphrey Shark

Humphrey KNOW !!!!!!!!! RED DEAD

Humphrey Shark

Humphrey tried to save you Cassandra! Sorry Ozone fans have no instincts. They probably are catless... Even cat know red is dead !!!!