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Hoomins all gone. Press F to pay respects.

Chance Drenning

Bro I fucking love this shit man. You've got some passion for this comic.

Wilson Bennett

This is good but... wait is this before or after FF7? Seems like this is long after FF7 ignoring Advent Children with the Ambiguous ending of that game and showing Red XIII and his kids in an otherwise empty world, but then all the FFX stuff is still around and... ow... my head... overthinking


So now I can tell you guys. Luca Goers takes place 500 years after FF7, the same as that ambiguous FF7 final scene. Luca Goers asks what if holy really did wipe out humans like Bugehagen warned. As for why it still looks like FFX's time, I can say for now that since humans were suddenly wiped out, the beings (pokemon) who replaced humans made a culture that mixed different historical periods.

Wilson Bennett

Ahh ok, thanks Ozone I'm happy I finally guessed what was going on. So is Red XIII a pokemon and his kind related to them and Hojo's experiments or were Pokemon just "around" but didn't really matter. Or.... was Red XIII a Growlithe or Arcanine? I'm thinking too hard XD


Non-humans like Red and Ronsos survived. The new beings appeared sometime after meteor fall.