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I don't know about you, but I already miss our little cabin family.

Don't have a new pic for you today (took a couple days off to finish off taxes you see) but I do have a question related to your adventuring.

So, would you like a boogie/drone choose your own adventure?  Perhaps where you're trying to escape.  Where if you choose poorly you get, well, you know.



Honestly? I wouldn't mind, heck, I would love to see that personally.


Absolutely! Maybe with a party, so a bad choice would result in “losing” a party member but not an immediate fail


sure, why not. Last one seemed to go well.


Good thinking. Somehow it will work where meeting your doom once doesn't just end the adventure. But also somehow not spoil the stakes with unlimited retries.


Yeah, that sounds like alot of fun :>

AspenSparks _

I'd love that. Hope you enjoyed your days off. It's great to relax! Just hope to see more lopunny wife then drone lopunny heh


the more boogies / drones, the better!


Thank you I did, taxes didn't take as much of it up as I thought it would. The bonus snowed in pic still on the way might have one or both those things.


If we are playing from the perspective of a female, will we get to see ourself as a Boogie if we fail? And will there be chances to witness 'friends' being turned into Boogies to help hunt us?


For the first question, yup, you got the idea. This time you'll be getting to see 'yourself' rather than snowed in's first person adventuring. If you do meet friends, yes they will be prone to the hazards too.


Nice! Sounds like the only real 'bad end' that can happen is becoming a Boogie too soon! Gotta see plenty of girls get Boogied before us first!


Admittedly, if we play as a girl, I'd love to see a few 1st-person views with the lower part a bit obscured by bust.


That could appear. It will switch between 1st and 3rd person depending on what needs to be seen.


that sounds pretty awesome yeah O:


I am in love with the boogie/drones