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Hey everyone, I'm actually going on my first holiday since 2006. I'll be on the road for a few weeks traveling around bits of Europe. I even finally got myself an iPad pro and pencil and I have to say I love it. I've already got it set up so that I can use it to draw layout for the Mars2161 story I want to do when I get back. I've been putting it off for too long. So I'm hoping to drop some sketches from that on here. (wait a sec, I haven't actually worked out how I'm going to do that yet. Stay tuned.)

But in the meantime here's a link to the FULL Dirty Angels comic for anyone new or missed out on getting it before. I'll be finally changing the rewards next month (I hope) so this is a good time to grab it.

That link again www.spacecaptainsteve.com/patreon/7Y8tsS/Dirty%20Angels%20Complete%201.pdf


(No title)



Out of all the possible continents, Europe. Interesting. Where are you exactly going? I guess Central Europe and its countries (because that's where EVERYONE goes). Only crazy people come here, to the cold Northern Europe. Anyways, have a nice trip! You deserve it man.

Space Captain Steve

Visiting family in Greece mostly. I will be visiting some parts of France and Paris, A few days in Denmark and then bits of the UK including Loch Ness (just to be a nerd).