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Fandom: Harry Potter

Summary: Luna Lovegood leads workaholic Harry on a vacation through South America. He couldn’t be happier to follow right behind her, especially when she’s swimming naked. (Harry/Luna)

Content Warnings/Themes: Nudity, skinny dipping, sex in the water

Harry had been encouraged to get away from his job for months now. He’d more or less buried himself in work for about a year and a half now, taking on even more responsibility than he had before to distract himself from his failed engagement with Ginny. It had taken Kingsley almost literally banning him from the office for no less than two weeks before Harry consented to taking his first legitimate vacation in over two years, even if he hadn’t had any clue what he was going to do with his time off.

And now he was swimming through a river somewhere in Brazil, chasing the naked arse of Luna Lovegood as it wiggled along with her strokes.

Luna hadn’t actually asked him if he wanted to spend his vacation trekking around various forests in South America with her, searching for creatures he still wasn’t convinced truly existed. She’d just sort of decided that he was coming with her. With a lack of anything better to do and a desire to escape the recent reporting on Ginny’s new relationship with one of her teammates from the Harpies, Harry had shrugged and followed along.

He still hadn’t seen any creatures, at least not any that he didn’t already recognize. But he was happy with his decision to follow Luna, first to South America and now through the water. Seeing Luna’s slender body moving gracefully through the water as he swam behind her felt like some kind of work of art. Harry had learned how to swim as a young adult, but he wasn’t anywhere near as graceful at it as Luna was. Had there been anyone swimming behind him, he doubted they would have found the view anywhere near as appealing as he felt following Luna.

Harry was already getting aroused through the chase, knowing that something special was going to happen once he finally caught her. They hadn’t ever discussed the chase; they hadn’t even talked about skinny dipping. Luna had just tugged her shorts and shirt off, tossed them on the ground and given Harry a look before diving into the water. After over a week of traveling with her, he hadn’t even thought twice about pulling his own clothes off and diving in after her.

Luna’s swimming form was certainly better, but Harry took bigger strokes. He also swam with the motivation of trying to catch up with his beautiful naked blonde traveling companion, and he was pretty sure not even Luna’s passion with discovering new magical creatures could compare with that. It was only a matter of time before he caught up to Luna, at which point he wrapped his arms around her small body from behind and held her in place, preventing her from swimming away.

“Looks like you caught me,” Luna said pleasantly.

“Looks that way,” Harry replied, giving her body a little squeeze. Her wet body felt so fucking good in his arms.

“It also seems that our expedition has excited you.” To show what she meant, Luna wiggled around, rubbing her butt against his erect cock. Harry groaned. “I’ve been waiting to feel this. Now I can do this.” She bent over in front of him, adopting what felt almost like a doggy style position in the water. It vaguely dawned on Harry that he’d only caught her once the water had become shallow enough for her to be able to sort of float like this without needing to swim. Had she allowed him to catch her, but only when they’d reached a good depth for what came next?

Harry didn’t think about it for long. He needed this too badly, and as soon as Luna bent over like this for him, he rushed to claim her. He grabbed her hip with one hand and used the other to guide his cock into position in the water. It took a few more tries than it otherwise would have, but he did eventually find his way inside of Luna’s pussy.

Immediately, he groaned at how good she felt. It had been an embarrassingly long time since he’d been inside of a woman, but that wasn’t all this was. Luna’s pussy felt incredible; it was the tightest squeeze he’d ever felt. If this was the prize he’d been chasing as he swam through the water, it had been worth the effort. Hell, it had been worth the last year and a half alone, and the trip to South America. Following Luna Lovegood had led him here, to this, to fucking her in the water. He’d never felt so alive.

Harry had never had sex in water before, so he had both his dry spell and the unique feeling of thrusting through the water to feel his way through. But he was proud to say that he’d always figured things out pretty quickly once the fun started, and the same was true now. After a few thrusts, he’d adjusted to the situation and worked out how he could give Luna a proper shag as he held her hips and fucked her from behind in the water.

Luna stuck her left hand out of the water and put her thumb in the air after one particular thrust, and Harry assumed that this was her way of telling him that he’d hit a nice angle inside of her. Harry kept thrusting into her just like that, giving Luna what she wanted and savoring the greatest vacation activity possible. Fucking Luna anywhere would have been brilliant but fucking her there in a shallow portion of a river in Brazil was such an unforgettable moment that he wanted to appreciate it for as long as he possibly could. Her pussy felt divine, so tight with each thrust, and he loved holding her by the hips and feeling her under his grip. If he had his way, he wouldn’t let go of her any time soon.

Her nude body swimming through the water had been a work of art to observe from behind, but it was nothing short of a masterpiece to look at her as he shagged her in the water. The water splashed up each time that his hips smacked against her arse, and that perky little arse shook from the impact. If Harry had a camera, he would’ve tried to capture this moment forever. It was a good thing pensieve memories existed, at least.

It had been a memorable vacation from the beginning, but no memory he’d made in the last week would stick with him as vividly as when Luna’s body shook in the water and her pussy clamped down on his cock. Feeling her tighten around him in her climax made him grunt, helpless to do anything but join her.

Around the office, Harry had a reputation as someone who lived for work. But he had a feeling that he wasn’t going to need much convincing to take time off in the future, provided that Luna Lovegood was still there to take Harry by the hand and lead him on some grand new adventure. After this last week, and this swim in particular, he would follow Luna anywhere.


James Trammell

A very happy birthday to luna! Lol 😂Great job!