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Fandom: Final Fantasy VII

Summary: After four years and 88 unanswered letters, Aerith finally has Zack back. She welcomes him back, ready to get closer to her boyfriend than ever before. (Zack/Aerith)

Content Warnings/Themes: Loss of virginity, making love

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88. Aerith had written 88 letters to Zack over the four years he’d been gone, without receiving an answer to any of them. There had come a time when her faith had wavered, and she’d begun to doubt that she would ever see him again, but still she’d written to him in hopes that her words would reach him, wherever she was.

And now, here he was, miraculously back in her arms. She knew that he had been through something unspeakably awful. The fact that he’d stumbled into her church supporting a beaten, battered blond-haired man who could not walk on his own was proof enough of that, even before she looked into his blue eyes with their light green glow and seen the shadows there. He had been changed by whatever horrors he had been through in their years apart.

But he was here. After so many years and so many letters, Zack was standing in her bedroom, hugging her with even more desperation and raw emotion than she felt as she clung to his broad shoulders. He’d wanted to come back to her as badly as she’d wanted to see him and hold him again. Feeling the tears that she’d been holding back finally get the best of her, Aerith buried her face in Zack’s shoulder and let out a sob.

He soon pulled her head back and did his best to comfort her with a soft kiss that made her close her eyes and sigh. Aerith latched on to the comfort he offered, and when he went to pull his lips back, she leaned in on her toes and deepened their kiss instead. Zack relaxed, kissed her back and moved his arms around her waist.

At some point, the soft kisses of passion and reunion became something else. It was hard to keep track with how hot and heavy things got, but Aerith was pretty sure she was the first one to start running her hands along Zack’s body, rubbing his chest and touching him more intimately than she ever had before. But if she’d started it, Zack was eager to reciprocate. She moaned when his hands skimmed her breasts through her dress, and her hands rose up to rest over his and hold them in place before he could be allowed to think that she didn’t want him touching her there.

Even with the touching they’d been doing, Zack’s breath still left him in a rush when Aerith stepped back and pulled the straps off her dress down off of her shoulders. She could see him watching with wide, stunned eyes as she slid the dress down her body, exposing more of herself than she ever had to him or any man.

“Are you sure?” he asked quietly. Aerith smiled and nodded without hesitation.

“I want you, Zack,” she said, smiling confidently and looking directly into those gorgeous eyes she’d spent years wishing to see looking at her again. “I finally have you back, and I don’t want to let you go.” Zack chuckled.

“As if I’d let you!” he said, something of that old playful light coming back to him now. She loved to hear it and loved the amazement in his eyes as he saw her bare breasts for the first time. After snapping himself out of his stupor, Zack hurried to start undressing himself as well. Aerith was done first, and seeing her naked body in front of him only made Zack’s own efforts lag, distracted as he was by looking at her. Aerith giggled and reached out to help him.

“There we go!” she said triumphantly, throwing his underwear into the pile of clothes that had formed on her bedroom floor. She stood back up straight, and then it was her turn to gasp as she saw Zack’s penis for the first time. He was erect, and he looked quite a bit longer than she’d expected. If she wasn’t still riding that euphoric rush of having him back, she might have been intimidated by his length. Instead, she took it in her hand and gave it a little squeeze, making him groan into her mouth as they kissed again.

The kissing and groping resumed, only this time it was bare skin that their hands wandered over. Aerith moaned into Zack’s mouth when he squeezed her bare breasts and buttocks, and she gasped as his fingers touched her netherlips for the first time. Zack seemed to understand how much she’d liked that, because those fingers ran up and down her lips several more times, making Aerith’s arousal spike even higher. He excited her so much that it was her who turned them and guided them towards her bed, and her who sat down and pulled him down to sit beside her. But before she could suggest that she get on her back and spread her legs for him, Zack crawled up her bed and lay down, resting his head on her pillow.

“You want little old me on top?” she said, moving towards him and straddling his hips. Zack grinned up at her.

“Hey, I had a long trip back,” he said. “Can you blame a guy for wanting to take it easy and let his girlfriend do all the work?” Aerith laughed, grateful that it didn’t come out sounding like a sob. His playful words reminded her of how much she’d missed him and how hard she’d prayed to see him again one day. It felt like a dream, having him in her bed and smiling up at her as she wiggled her hips around and grabbed his shaft to hold it in position.

Feeling him slowly enter her for the first time was amazing, but Aerith kept her eyes on Zack’s face, wanting to see how it felt for him. She was not disappointed. She heard him groan and saw the way his face stretched and his pupils dilated as she carefully sank down onto him.

“Good?” she asked him, though she already knew the answer. She started to move her hips around, testing out how his cock felt inside of her.

“Incredible,” Zack said, making her smile. “You?”

“I’m the happiest girl in Midgar,” she said. That made him laugh, but it turned into a deep moan halfway through when Aerith’s hips rocked forward to move his cock around inside of her.

Aerith quickly grew to like the feeling of being on top of Zack and vowed to thank him for making this choice later. Like this, she was able to control everything. She got to try moving her body in different ways and leaning forward or back to experiment with different angles and how they changed the feeling every time she moved his cock around inside of her. Aerith liked the feeling when she leaned back to rest her hands on his legs behind her and bounced up and down on him, and she liked the sound of her butt smacking against his thighs too.

But in the end, she wound up leaning much farther forward most of the time. There was plenty of pleasure to be found in leaning forward and rocking her hips back and forth, but that wasn’t the primary reason she focused mainly on this motion. Her biggest reason for making this choice was that it brought her face closest to his. It allowed her to see rather than just hear his pleasure, and she got to lean her head down and kiss him as much as she wanted to.

By the end, her forehead was resting against his and her lips rarely left his, not that Zack seemed to want them to. He kissed her back with just as much passion as she was feeling, and his hands rested on her butt, caressing her while her hips rocked. It was not particularly fast or hard, but Aerith didn’t need it to be. After four years of separation and longing, she had him back. If they spent the entire night making love, she would not have a thing in the world to complain about.

Neither of them was capable of that, of course. They didn’t rush things along, but the physical pleasures of making love for the first time did catch up to them soon enough. Aerith moaned into their kiss as her body trembled with pleasure that made anything she’d ever managed on her own pale in comparison, and she closed her eyes and groaned when Zack squeezed her butt and started to fill her with his cum. It was an end that Aerith had been fully prepared for, but it still amazed her when she felt just how long he continued to release inside of her.

There was nothing to worry about, and she would assure him of such when they finally broke apart and she pulled off of him. He was back, and she couldn’t wait for everything that happened next now that she had her love back by her side and finally in her bed.


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