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Fandom: Persona 4

Summary: New Year’s Eve at a big party in Tokyo isn’t bad, but Yu much prefers the intimacy of ringing in the new year alone with Rise in Inaba. (Yu/Rise)

Content Warnings/Themes: Post-canon, cowgirl sex

Happy New Year, everyone! Back tomorrow with Yoruichi to kick off the Birthday Quick Fics in 2024.

This New Year’s Eve was much quieter than last year’s, but Yu was perfectly fine with that. He would trade the hustle and bustle of a big party in Tokyo for a private, intimate celebration with his girlfriend any day.

Last year, they’d attended a big New Year’s Eve party thrown by one of the bigwigs in the music industry. Rise, whose name had been on everyone’s tongue fresh off of the release of her new single, Sapphire, had needed to spend most of the party mingling and speaking with everyone who wanted to have a moment with her, whether they were executives, advertisers, admirers or hopeful collaborators. Yu, who was familiar with the life of a popular idol’s boyfriend by now, had made himself comfortable and been happy that he at least got to take her into his arms and kiss her as one year ended and another began.

There was no one else vying for her attention this year, though. Rise was taking a brief hiatus from her career, and they were back in Inaba this holiday season to help her grandmother with her tofu business and also visit with their friends. They’d been with their friends earlier in the night, and eaten toshikoshi soba with Dojima, Nanako and Rise’s grandmother earlier in the day. But as midnight approached, Rise took him by the hand and led him back to her room so they could celebrate in private. Last year, she’d needed to spend most of her New Year’s Eve as Risette. But this year, she was all his.

The expensive dress she’d worn last year was nowhere to be found, but Yu liked her even better like this. Rise was wearing nothing but her pink pearl earrings, and he got to admire his girlfriend’s beauty in full while she gently rode him. Her fans went crazy for any glimpse of her, but they had no idea just how sexy and sensuous she truly was. She’d always been attractive, dating back to when he’d first met her right here in Inaba as a high school student more than six years ago. But she, much like their love, had matured with the passage of time. This wasn’t the pretty teenage idol who had fawned all over her senpai years earlier. This was a grown woman who had only grown more beautiful into adulthood, and she rode him with all the confidence, patience and skill that their years as lovers had helped to develop.

As amazing as the earliest days of their sexual relationship had been at the time, Rise had gotten so much better. She knew exactly what she was doing, and Yu understood what her plan was without her needing to say a thing. She was taking him on a slow, sensual ride, moving her hips in circles and slowly grinding back and forth on him as the mood struck her. They’d been at this for the better part of an hour now, starting with some passionate kisses, moving to her taking his pants off and stroking him with her hand, and giving him some licks before finally taking her own clothes off. Even her undressing had been slow and deliberate for his viewing pleasure.

Every action she took, from that first kiss down to her slow and sensual grinding atop his cock, was meant to slowly build towards a huge release of pleasure. And seeing her glance at the little clock to her left every so often told him what she was waiting for. Rise always made it a point to get her kiss right when midnight struck, no matter where they were. That was more of a western tradition, but Yu was happy to indulge it. Any excuse to kiss Rise was welcome. And it was obvious that she was timing her movements so their kiss at the end of this year would bring something else with it too.

Eventually, after another glance at the clock, Rise seemed to decide that it was time to stop holding back. Her hands moved to rest on his shoulders, and she began to bounce straight up and down on his cock. The languid pace of earlier gave way to sharp, purposeful bounces that saw her lovely ass smacking down against him with each drop, and made her breasts shake with the impact. She looked like a goddess as he stared up at her and watched her body move in time with her bounces, and Yu groaned from both the view of her in motion and the pleasure that her bouncing brought him. Rise grinned, knowing that she had him right where she wanted him. She took another quick glance at the clock, and then her hips worked even harder.

Yu moaned, feeling his release racing towards him. He didn’t need to tell her, of course. She knew it, and she had been planning for it. Every action she’d taken since she got him in her room had been building towards this exact moment, and her plan was working flawlessly. As the final seconds of this year trickled by, Rise prepared to ring in the new year on a high.

“I love you, Yu,” she said through a moan. She’d stopped calling him senpai several years ago, aside from certain playful moments, and this was not such a moment. “Happy New Year.”

She leaned down to kiss him on the lips as the year ended, as he’d always known she would. And her ride had reached its end at the perfect moment, because right as her lips touched his, Yu’s cock twitched and he began to pump his cum inside of his girlfriend.

There couldn’t have been a better way to end one year and begin the next. Spending New Year’s Eve at a big party in Tokyo was fine, so long as he got to get his kiss at midnight. But having her all to himself in Inaba was much better.

Maybe they could come back again next year.


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