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So, with What's Yours is Mine having concluded this month, I'll need a new ongoing multichapter story to fill that spot starting in May.

It feels pretty clear to me that more people are here for Harry Potter than anything else, and nothing drives patron growth like ongoing Harry Potter stories, so that's the direction I'm going to go. I'm just not sure what the specific story will be yet. I'm thinking something that can offer a decent mix between smut and story would be good, rather than pure PWP.

I know lots of people were asking about a continuation of Dangerous Green Eyes, the Harry/Daphne story set the summer before 6th year that won the general poll in January. That is definitely a story that would lend itself well to a number of additional chapters. Maybe it'd be sort of a retelling of canon 6th year, but strictly through Daphne's eyes so I wouldn't have to rehash the actual book plot in any great detail, and obviously with some differences since Harry and Daphne would be a couple. This idea has potential, I think. If I have a concern about it, it's that I write so much Harry/Daphne in general already. But this one would be strictly Harry/Daphne, without any other women involved.

Guiding Harry, the Harry/Fleur fic from April of 2022 where they hook up at the Yule Ball and she's impressed enough to make him her mate, is another one that I think would work. We'd see what the rest of 4th year plays out like/how the last two tasks go with Fleur and Harry being an item. Harry/Fleur would be the major pairing, but I could see Fleur inviting other women to share their bed occasionally too (Parvati and Hermione are easy possibilities.)

These are the two past poll winners I've been considering, but I welcome any suggestions anyone would like to make here, whether it's about one of these stories I mentioned, another previous poll winner I didn't mention, or a new idea entirely. I don't think I'm going to run a poll or anything to decide what I do. I'm just going to go with whatever I think feels right/will work best, whether that's one of the stories I mentioned, I get inspiration from a comment one of you makes, or I come up with a new idea entirely.


Joe Uchiha (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 05:08:08 I read Guiding Harry and I liked it. I'd love to see a continuation of that. Do you plan to start another multi-chapter story other than that or do you prefer one-shots?
2024-05-02 05:08:08 I read Guiding Harry and I liked it. I'd love to see a continuation of that. Do you plan to start another multi-chapter story other than that or do you prefer one-shots?
2024-04-22 18:02:25 I read Guiding Harry and I liked it. I'd love to see a continuation of that. Do you plan to start another multi-chapter story other than that or do you prefer one-shots?

I read Guiding Harry and I liked it. I'd love to see a continuation of that. Do you plan to start another multi-chapter story other than that or do you prefer one-shots?


I'd really like an ongoing chapter fic that focuses on Veela culture. I know there are plenty of Veela fics out there, but very few of them worldbuild an actual Veela society or subculture, and the few that do, don't do it well. A well-written Veela culture fic with Fleur/Harry as the center of a wider magical Veela world that uses sex magic would be unique and interesting. Just a thought.