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Whew! Wow that was an intense one! Thank you for everyone's patience. This one has truly been a labor of love, thankful for all the people that helped and offered support along the way! This has been one of my favorites this year!

Special thanks to Valentia Jinxx for her amazing voice acting as Raven and bringing her character to life! Also Thank you for Zaceria for writing the script with me!

I'm quite proud of this one. I always loved the relationship Raven had with BB so it was fun to do something with that finally^^ And something a little spoopy with the alternate "Bad" ending too! Don't worry, it's not too bad ;)

Is Dropbox is still not working, watch it here!


Enjoy the intense, romantic, emotions everywhere, Raven's Big Belly! Thank you again for everyone's patience on the wait. I will be taking a month off in the near future (I don't think it will be Dec, most likely Jan) to catch up!

For those looking for prego-sex, in a day or so I will create a loop of that later on. Just didn't fit in the script!




umm drop box link doesn't work

Dave Davidson

Drop box link doesn't work :(

Josh K.


Ooo very excited to see everyone’s favorite goth girl being preggo


Wow! That was nothing short of amazing, dear Lusty! Gosh, to see how far you have come... I rewatched the old Raven animation in comparison to this new creation, and the difference is night and day. I hope you look back in pride at your progress--and in this new animation. It's a new favourite of mine, too, now!


Hot damn! Huge credit to Jinxx for capturing the agony Raven was in! Ironic that the most stoic waifu should be the most emotionally charged birth to date. I'd love to see more rapid breathing in future animations, it really adds to the situation and is also very hot. ^^

Dark Desires

Another excellent work, and pretty fun having the optional "bad" ends, haha Did notice that the "Birth" button in the credits didn't work, but seems like the other options on that screen do


This is definitely your best animation, the voice acting is excellent! It's awesome to see that you still have so much creativity after all those years!


Part of me was hoping the bad ending was a little longer with Raven growing bigger and forced to push the whole thing out… is that concerning? >w>


Maybe my favorite animation from you, A+ all around


I like the cumflation at the beginning a lot. I wish there was an animation where it was entirely about the girl's belly being inflated with cum and living with it as the semen slowly over time transforms into a baby.


Mostly seconded. I did like the hints that whatever-it-was is even more squishy & shapechange-prone than Beastie himself, and as such could probably just go boneless & ooze on out once it got bored.


Another phenomenally elaborate stunner. Conception was a sequence unto itself, her struggle with that vein-flushed crucible is jawdropping, and the BB voicing is WAY less annoying than 'Teen Titans Go' inured me to, so thanks for that. And again, Jinxx sells the hell out of those vocals (she really seems to have a grip on this Rae's inflection).


You still plan on making a preggo sex loop on this one day? Or maybe some stuff involving the bad ending's birth? Cuz that shit was hot. >W>


Oh shoot, I forgot! >.< Can you remind me in feb after the next animation is done?