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You've taken a job as a paid breeder, luckily our chosen waifu is here to show you the ropes and answer any questions! ^_^

Since my Avatar Has been chosen for the character next month, I wanted to have a Q+A portion, section to ask the teacher! Relevant to the breeding lesson or otherwise ^^* Yes they can be directed towards the teacher <3 I don't know exactly how many answers I will be able to include, but I will start with the most liked ones from the 25 Tier, and the most liked question from the 10 Tier!


Dark Desires

"Have you done this before yourself?"

Tom Titov

“Did you have a favorite pregnancy and why?“ It would be funny if the answer was a reference to a previous animation.

Tom Titov

What’s the longest you’ve been pregnant for? Have you gone overdue?

Tom Titov

What got you into this kind of work?

Tom Titov

What’s the most number of babies you have been pregnant with at once?

Tom Titov

How has taking this job affected your sex life?