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Hi everyone. I'm so sorry to report this month has been quite a cluster of mishaps. >.<This studio leaving me hanging has really effected me personally, as well as progress on Albedo. Trying to sort things out has been a very difficult time and seeing what I can even use from them. Just a nightmare.

Regardless I will get Albedo finished within the coming week. (Before the 7th) I may run late I've never not completed a project and I refuse to start now. I am as always eternally grateful for everyone's patience and understanding. If there is an issue, you can reach out to me directly.

All patrons from March will receive the final animation of Albedo via dm regardless, so there is nothing to worry about there. <3 

It looks like there's been the lovely pick of Azula from ATA as the Lusty's Pick Animation! I can't wait to get started on this character, I've always loved Azula, writing the script should be a lot of fun ^^



Do what you need to do with breaks sprinkled in between. We're patient 😁

Dark Desires

By all means, take your time. Nobody could have expected the studio mishap, so it's only reasonable to understand that you're in a bit of a pinch right now :)


For the glory of Ainz Ooal Gown!


I've learned how much she loves him through this whole process XD

Tom Titov

Please take all the time you need. Having somebody not come through like that is not only annoying but hard on the level of trust that you give someone. I am glad Azula won. I wanted one of your choices to win:) After all you’ve been through you deserve to have one of your animation choices win. I wish there were something I could do to help but I do not have the talent you have for animation:)


Better to take breaks when needed otherwise you face the biggest threat to any artist; Burnout! Nothing wrong with an Overdue Waifu and animation. ^^


Quick update! 4/7: Albedo needs one more day or so! Getting very close, thank you for your patience!


4/10 update will be up shortly! T - Minus 2 hours or less!