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After an extremely close poll, Haruko from FLCL has won the poll! Including the extra votes, Mipha and Haruko were completely TIED at the end of the poll! I could have gone for either of the characters, so after a coinflip it was determined that Haruko was the winner! 

I'm trying desperately to work on Sam. No new updates yet, just trying to recover here and there. She will be done before the 15th I am very sure of this. 

I'll be starting up Albedo as well in the meantime with our new studio! Excited to see how things will turn out! More updates soon!



Dark Desires

Will be fun to see how this turns out, Haruko is quite the zany character, haha. A lot of potential there :)


Every Waifu has their time in the spotlight, just a matter of how long lol. Man, this is going to be crazy.



Tom Titov

I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time😁


This should be very interesting! And good luck with the new studio - such exciting times, eh?


Quick update!: Sam will be released either today or tomorrow!