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Hi all! A few of you have reported in having some trouble playing the mp4's in the dropbox, but I haven't heard back about too many details. Is there anyone having that sort of trouble? If so for which videos? Dropbox has made a few weird changes these past months, just want to see what the issue might be! Thank you to anyone that can provide details! <3


Tom Titov

I didn’t experience any issues but I am running a Mac and using Firefox. I know this doesn’t help you know what is wrong but at least knowing when it’s going right might help you to narrow down the issue.


Did some checks, works fine on PC however on my phone it refused to play until I downloaded it directly on to it.


Hi - where is Sam?


Hi! She is still in the works! Sorry I will have an update tomorrow.


So weird! I will contact dropbox and see if there is a way around this for phone users!

Katie Watkins

On mobile when I use dropbox, I sometimes have trouble scrubbing through the video. Like, either it interprets my attempts as a tap and pauses the video or it'll jump forward on the timeline but I can't accurately choose where in the video to go.


That sounds very tedious, thank you for sharing! When I talk to dropbox support, I will be sure to see if there is anything they can do!