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I'm sorry I don't know what to say. I have been travelling a great deal, but it's been really difficult me to settle down and work on it. I've been facing huge issues with motivation for some reason despite loving Betilla and the style. I feel like I have to retrain my whole work structure again after so much interruption. Still I absolutely aim to complete it all for you soon. I do feel like I am running out of steam generally, it's a bit worrisome. My apologies again and thank you for everyone's patience >.< 

*I will keep everyone updated in the comments below!


Tom Titov

Please don’t stress too much about the animation being on time. Your animations are always amazing and well worth the wait. Some animations simply take longer to gestate:) We value and care about your health and psychological well-being and want you to be healthy. We always appreciate the tremendous amount of thought and work you put into each one of your animations. I hope that you’re able to take care of yourself in these frantic times:)


there's no deadline or anything. take all your time. Maybe a break from it can help. Take care and have some rest maybe?


Oof, inexplicably lacking motivation to work on something that you genuinely want to work on is the worst. Went through that just last month, so I know how frustrating it is to deal with. You'll make it out of this rut, Lusty! And I'm not sure if saying this right now will be helpful or not, but remember "done" is better than "perfect"!


We've all been there with motivation for creativity, burn out on something you love is honestly the worst that can happen to a creator. Working on Content Creation stuff on my end has had moments like this, and I know it's different for everyone, but we all would rather wait for the thing you want to put out in the best condition you can provide. No matter how long it takes. :)


Could you give us a timeline of when it will be ready? Also, is the projected timeline for Sam still on track or is that going to be pushed back? Just curious!


It's been pushed back a bit I'm afraid &gt;.&lt; Just naturally due to not finishing this one. Still I plan to get some assets in the works as I continue to work on this one. I will update in a comment below!


I have 2 big parts remaining for Betilla! A small interactive type puzzle and the ending birth scene ^^ I can't give exact dates but I am working^^


I really appreciate that! It sounds like you know what it is like. It's tragic when it hits something you love. I know once I am finished I feel better. It's the limbo of pre-delivery that's the difficult part it seems! XD


I agree, thank you Funble! I'm sorry you had to go through something similar. I want old Lusty back, but the stress on those times was very difficult as well. Let's get her done once and for all... Because the ending feels great!^^


&lt;3 My eternal gratitude as always for your words of support Tom. Long term is important, that's why I've been a bit concerned. I cry thinking about how relentless I use to work, my release schedule was my life. But I think I'm paying a bit for the burn out now. I need to learn better pacing. Thank you again^^

Alan Slykes

I don't know if this is something you'd be actually open to, but what if 2023 was "The Year of Lusty" Here's what I mean about this: You've spent many years taking polls, doing requests, and generally trying to branch more content to us in the form of donations from your supporters. To what end as an artist have you been able to cater to yourself? We have our fantasies, our scenarios and our waifus, but what about the ones that interest Lusty? Maybe you have an idea that sounds interesting and far afield from what we come here for? Maybe you don't want to do a piece in the same vein as the others? Maybe it doesn't even involve any aspect of any other piece you've done? I don't know, but maybe you do. An artist, no matter their passions and talent, can be burned by the very things they love, especially when they don't get a chance to explore their own avenues to the fullest. You always add your own flair to the pieces, and I absolutely love them for that, but I also always find myself curious about what you personally want to do in all that effort. Maybe a year of finding your passions anew, or exploring new avenues to express those passions, or maybe even just bullshitting around with random whatevers. As someone who spent years mired in the art culture, surrounded by hard working people who practically killed themselves to make it their livelihood, and who watched some of those genuinely talented people burn themselves so badly that they lost that passion altogether; I just worry. Fetish stuff aside, patreon stuff aside, I write this as a general anonymous person who cares about your passion, your talent, and your generosity in supplying us every month with new animations, comics, voice work, collaborations, etc. I don't know what others might think, but if it's something that you could use, I really hope you consider it. I stick around not just for the kink, but because you do great work, and you dedicate yourself no matter the subject. And I don't want to see you sacrifice your happiness, your health, or your sanity for the sake of us.


I think at the very least, once in a while, doing what you want to do Lusty, is something you should definitely consider. I second the motion!


Maybe you could make the next one easier on yourself - shorter, or with fewer angles/scenes? With the increase of quality in your work comes an increase in workload. You used to do short animations, or over with a single scene. You could whip something like that out in times of need. Again, it is up to you, but don't feel pressured to always rely on long and complex processes.


Nah take your time, updates are fine with me, the wait actually motivated me to do No Nut November for a week (although I failed it haha😂)


Yeah, popping out a whole animation every month sounds really tough. You should be proud of yourself for being able to keep it up for as long as you did! Are you planning on changing things up at all? I can't speak for everyone, but personally I wouldn't mind if you went to one animation every two months or something

Robinhood Loki

I am a patient person take your time you got this lusty


I really REALLY do miss doing certain characters. I feel so much more motivated do them at times. Thank you so much for your consideration in that matter. Your words are unbelievably kind Alan, it's so heartwarming to know people like yourself have such thoughtful feelings towards what I do. If people are okay with me leading some more of my own projects in the future, that could be really really fun. It would be tragic to burn out and I imagine its very important to find solutions like you suggested!^^

Darlon Demonic

You're pushing your work out really hard, don't worry, it'll be beautiful ( XD)


Exactly how it feels! I wish there was just a bit more pleasure than the pain once in awhile XD

Lusty (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-29 07:16:25 On to the last part of Betilla! Hoping to have it finished sometime before the weekend. Thank you for everyone's patience! &lt; 3
2022-11-22 01:06:59 On to the last part of Betilla! Hoping to have it finished sometime before the weekend. Thank you for everyone's patience! < 3

On to the last part of Betilla! Hoping to have it finished sometime before the weekend. Thank you for everyone's patience! < 3

Tom Titov

I also really like the idea of you doing your own projects and characters you want to do or making original characters. Lusty’s choices my favorite


Go Lusty, go! Knowing your work, the quality will be worth the labour! ... See what I did there? Labour? ... I'll let myself out now.

Tom Titov

That will be great. Also happy Thanksgiving. If you can’t make it by then don’t worry:)