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Sorry about this >.< I'm not really one to report any kind of drama, but unfortunately this could effect the production of "Momo's Lasting Pregnancy" for September, so I thought everyone deserved to  know.

Some months, I am able to hire out assets of animation like birth and such. It think it is awesome to bring in a fresh new artist to take over that particular scene, and I can focus my energy on other things! (Winry and Ryoko are examples, I love how those births turned out!)

Unfortunately the birth asset animator walked out on me 2 days ago. >.< Basically we were negotiating the price point they wanted (Which was higher for the amount of work compared to previous stuff so I was skeptical and a bit confused, but eventually I agreed.) They then told me they found another project during our back and forth and decided to just go do that one. This happened when we were less than a week out from the deadline and had already spent several days talking about the payment, which I could have used to hire another animator or work on it a bit myself.

I'm not sure what that was all about but either way it left me to pick up the slack. This came at a disheartening time because I have been feeling a tad bit of burn out and was looking forward to the extra help this month. 

I've never had this issue with people I have worked with, usually everyone is wonderful. I love the feeling of paying good rates for quality work. It's a shame this person acted this way. Still not sure what to make of it.

I was so excited because I had a really good pace for Momo. Now it seems it will be delayed. I really wanted an on-time delivery this month ^_^; unlike the past few but ah well we can't always get what we want. Currently searching for another animator, but I think we will be okay!

What does this all mean? TLDR;

Everyone here is incredibly patient, which I am always eternally grateful for. I'm going to be doing my best to finish this around the 5th of October. It's a nice piece full of great character and belly moments and a nice "thematic" climax written by Zaceria! For those that are only Patrons for September, you will be able to find the link posted below when time comes~

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/z58mtnys183ux4y/AAAuemvWdcDmnNVmGyoFORFOa?dl=0





Sorry to hear that. :’( Sadly one of the downsides to working with a specialised team i guess.


Its no problem at all, thanks for the heads up. This situation is the fault of the assistant, and I hope you don't feel too bad about it.


Ah that sucks to hear :/ I hope you find an animator even better than the one who left!


Take your time, good things come to thos who wait.


Thanks Dim! It'll happen.. &lt;3 But there really are so few animators out there in our line of work XD Always funny having to give the new person the downlow of what they're in for o.o "yeah so, birth n stuff cool with you?"


Indeed. It will be okay. Just happened at a sucky time.

Tom Titov

Thank you for keeping us in the loop. I know it will be great and don’t stress about the delay:)


Lol, yeah, that's gotta be one awkward convo o_0

Alan Slykes

I'm so sorry to hear all that :( But I am excited to find out this will come out on my birthday now! &lt;3 Even if it doesn't though, don't sweat it. Life throws us curveballs, and I am okay with rolling with whatever works. Take your time, do what you can, and know that I'll be cheering you on!

Dark Desires

Quite a shame, hope it was worth it to the animator to bail on you like that, I'm sure some folk would wish worse on someone for flaking like that &gt;_&lt;0

Jeremiah Guerrero

It is ok lusty you do you take all the time you need ok well all understand... Btw it is ok if you don't see this but we all believe in you and always do your best😊


I do see these. Thank you I really appreciate them. I always try to be professional but it is really wonderful to share my feelings / situation and receive support like this. Thanks so much!


Oh happy birthday! I'll try to hit the deadline so I make it special for you~

Makise Kurisu

It’s cool, we’re okay with overdue girls!