Momo Update! Animation Assistant Bailed at Last Minute >.< Link Posted Here Upon Completion! (Patreon)
Sorry about this >.< I'm not really one to report any kind of drama, but unfortunately this could effect the production of "Momo's Lasting Pregnancy" for September, so I thought everyone deserved to know.
Some months, I am able to hire out assets of animation like birth and such. It think it is awesome to bring in a fresh new artist to take over that particular scene, and I can focus my energy on other things! (Winry and Ryoko are examples, I love how those births turned out!)
Unfortunately the birth asset animator walked out on me 2 days ago. >.< Basically we were negotiating the price point they wanted (Which was higher for the amount of work compared to previous stuff so I was skeptical and a bit confused, but eventually I agreed.) They then told me they found another project during our back and forth and decided to just go do that one. This happened when we were less than a week out from the deadline and had already spent several days talking about the payment, which I could have used to hire another animator or work on it a bit myself.
I'm not sure what that was all about but either way it left me to pick up the slack. This came at a disheartening time because I have been feeling a tad bit of burn out and was looking forward to the extra help this month.
I've never had this issue with people I have worked with, usually everyone is wonderful. I love the feeling of paying good rates for quality work. It's a shame this person acted this way. Still not sure what to make of it.
I was so excited because I had a really good pace for Momo. Now it seems it will be delayed. I really wanted an on-time delivery this month ^_^; unlike the past few but ah well we can't always get what we want. Currently searching for another animator, but I think we will be okay!
What does this all mean? TLDR;
Everyone here is incredibly patient, which I am always eternally grateful for. I'm going to be doing my best to finish this around the 5th of October. It's a nice piece full of great character and belly moments and a nice "thematic" climax written by Zaceria! For those that are only Patrons for September, you will be able to find the link posted below when time comes~