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It's finally out! I can't begin to describe my feelings about the project... Wow so many artists helped! From original music, to passing out frames to a bunch of different people... I want to thank everyone that made this dream project possible and to those that sent me messages of encouragement along the way! The notion that I could have fun and feel like I could take my time with everyone's permission made this a special one... 

Without further ado, Din's Prego Dance of Destiny!: 


There's so much about this project people might never know! Many revisions, dubs 28 hand drawn animation frames turned into 247 o.o. Many night hours between many artists.  I hope you enjoy!

Also we are trying out a Navel Birth as the bad ending, so you can avoid that easily by ending the vid after the good ending (11:05). You'll be notified before it happens so don't worry! 

Special thanks to Sqwark for the coloring help as well~ Came in clutch ;) 





Dark Desires

Damn, that is just beyond impressive. This was well worth the wait, and I'm definitely curious to see what will become of the other Oracles soon ^_^


Feeling kinda selfish right now looking at this animation cuz I'd love to see more bare belly action in this one :') It's good either way though! Glad that you can finally finish one of your dream projects! Probably one of your best work too despite the lack of bare belly tum for me >.>

Tom Titov

This is an amazing animation and you are amazing for coordinating and putting it together. As these animations become more elaborate and more people become Involved you demonstrate your ability to bring everybody together in such amazing projects. It was well worth the wait and I should’ve known that an overdue belly would be wonderful;) It seems like the ones that are your choice become my favorite:)

Dave Davidson

Expansion in birth is always the best ! Love it, keep it up !


GREAT birth scene in this one! I think that "close-up" camera was a fantastic decision


This is easily the best animation you've ever done! All that extra time taken shows through in each lovingly crafted detail in every scene, and not just that majestic opening dance. Literally a labour of love through writing, art and sound. I was super happy whenever you said "I'm going to take a bit longer, please wait!", because you've realised that we'll happily wait if the end results are this excellent, plus you sounded like you had a blast making it. Congrats on completing a dream project! ps. I liked the bad ending >:] I'm glad you decided to give it a try!

Panzer IV

This is good, but im not sure how to feel about young Link being in this.


This is the best! I can't wait to see what you do next!


Oh I definitely meant for him to be of sound age like he is in the game. We did base the design off of his Oracle of seasons look which I understand seems a bit young with the stylized cheekbones

Alan Slykes

Seeing you get to finish something you've wanted to personally work on has been one of the highlights of this piece :) You and the others did a phenomenal job on this piece, and the extra time paid off in so many ways that I'm seriously hoping you do this more in future. Less consistent releases leading to passionate works that really bring forth your creativity and allow you the time necessary to do what you want pay off big, and I'll gladly sacrifice the 30 day turnaround to see you produce more work like these. On an additional note, this was so damn good that I'm actually upset that Nayru wasn't there as well X.X would have made a perfect dual birth. Just makes me more excited for the future, thanks again for all your hard work on this and I cannot wait for the next one <3


Oh Nayru would have been great XD I'd totally do a sequel for her... I tried to hint it a little hehe. I'd say that Din might be of my favorites up there with the Malon one we did a few Christmas's ago! Thank you! I look forward to what the future has in store~


Gahh thank you Dim! Haha I didn't mind it too, secretly haha. Gosh I feel really connect to the piece, it was a lot of raw pent up emotion to get out, but that's my thing I guess XD It's odd figuring out things now that I brought this one to life... Now that's it's done what do I do with my life?! Make more I suppose, it's what we do ^_^; Daw I really value your comments because I know all the work you put in as well~ Thank you so much <3


Aw that's really sweet thank you! It's so cool to be able to collaborate with people, I am surprised honestly how many joined me for this one o.o I hope some will stick around for future projects ^^ Thank you for your words of encouragement through the process, I am very grateful!

Alan Slykes

I'm so glad to hear that! Speaking of Malon, I'm hopeful that the alien option you had on this poll comes back someday; I could always use more Malon <3


that was awesome! hope we'll see more navel birth in the future! it was great!

Stone Cold XV

not bad. Good, bad and true endings!!