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Sorry I was a little late on this one, been traveling! Pick your favorite from my dream projects!



You had my curiosity, but, after seeing Mawile, you have my attention

Dark Desires

Damn, so many choices, haha. Ranch one and Medli could be a lot of fun, as could the ones with Din and Veran


Tempted by Malon since I loved her original animation so much. So many good choices. XD

명랑 송

It's hard to choose!


Its Mawile btw lol


I hope you keep that vivian one in the cards regardless of how this turns out. She was a childhood crush of mine and that would be such a dream come true to see.


Every vote I have available on Azula


You're right! XD It's been a... Mawhile since I played Pokemon ruby :X


Isn't she amazing? It even always looked like she had a prego belly as well~ I might just have to do it for fun sometime. I would really love to see how her character experiences pregnancy!


all vote for iron birther

Tom Titov

All my Vote for Medli if she can’t win Rei

Jack (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 20:10:08 Tetra loses. I'm sad
2021-06-18 20:59:54

Lusty (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 20:10:08 Our motherly sea rat will have her day <3
2021-06-18 21:03:57 Our motherly sea rat will have her day <3

Our motherly sea rat will have her day <3

Eden Videla

i already liked all the options beforehand for the July project, but then the lusty picks had me guessing and then when I saw all your dream projects I was like these are all winners so many awesome ideas. UwU I'll be glad to see any of them. Your awesome lusty.


Awe thank you!! It's really nice to hear that kind of feedback. I'm happy to hear people like what I want to see as well, maybe we'll have more votes like this in the future ^_^