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Hi Everyone. I'm sorry to announce that I am going to have to pause the billing cycle/ animation production for April in addition to this month. I've just set appointments with the doctor for some health issues that have been affecting me for a while, but have recently gotten worse. I have not been able to get much rest for the month of March and I really want to dedicate one more month to a full recovery.  I am very sorry and feel awful I am unable to return to work as soon as I wanted to for you guys. 

I sincerely hope I can nip this in the bud and it will no longer be an issue. These flare ups tend to happen during periods of stress. I think going on break finally allowed for all the tension to catch up with me. I'm not a doctor so I really am not sure tbh. 

Either way, I want to come back with vengeance when I do return for Maternity May and our Giant animation! I want to put every ounce of creativity into that feature and continue to explore some new territory. I'm constantly thinking of ideas, and ways to make the experiences in my animations more sexy, intimate and wholesome. Please know my thoughts are always going towards making my animations better than before.

Again, I am truly sorry to make you all wait another month. Pledges will be paused so there is no need to do anything or worry about being billed from me. Thank you all for your love and support so far. It means a lot through all this. I want to do my best to get better for all of you.


P.S. in additional, I just wanted to point out that SapphicBumpmade a beautiful portrait inspired by our latest Peach animation, it made me super happy ^_^ Please check out their work! https://twitter.com/SapphicBump/status/1370023707335221251



Take care, we’ll wait for you to be back in your prime


Understood. Health comes first before the work. Take your time and rest well. Patience is worth it when coming back to make more amazing work.


In the mean time, I will also be working on a dropbox to get all of my swf and mp4 animations available for everyone on there w/o worrying about anymore weird downloading issues from stash (Yay!)

Jared Wagner

Yes and lots and lots of Easter eggs (secrets)


Take your time, we'll be here when you get back


get better, lets hope its nothing serious, take as much time as you need


Really hope you bounce back Lusty, take your time, relax and get well soon. :3


Just joined recently, wanted to say amazing work! Also please take your time to rest and get well.


hope it isn't anything serious and for a quick recovery. take care

Tom Titov

I hope you feel better and please take as much time as you need:)

Tom Titov

I’m curious since you joined recently what animation convince you to join. It was the Sun Set Shimmer animation for me


Raven's Birthmark animation secured my fandom for Lusty's work. ^^


Take as much time as you need to feel better 💖 you’re health should come first

Lusty (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 20:10:54 Thank you!! <3 I'll be back soon
2021-04-18 13:19:41 Thank you!! <3 I'll be back soon

Thank you!! <3 I'll be back soon

Colin Warmbrodt

Hi. I know this is, like, beyond late, but I hope you feel better, and that it's nothing life-threatening!


No worries! I have been meaning to make an announcement but I am much more well off! The rest has really helped!