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Submit what you'd like to see most for Maternal Rivals! They can be general or revolve around a character currently in the poll! You decided! Be sure to like your favorite comments/ ideas! That tells me which ones you guys want to see the most! People might leave A LOT of ideas in their comments, but I'll probably tackle the main ones/ the ones reflected generally by the most liked!


Dark Desires

Since whoever wins are meant to be more antagonistic than what we saw with Panty and Stocking, perhaps some belly poking and titty slapping is in order? Whoever is the more aggressive of the winning pair should try some "intimidation" tactics and give her rival some labor-hurrying prods to the belly and slap her opponents swollen breasts for some unintended moans. Though if the slapping would too hard to animate, perhaps some boob squeezing instead. Either way, some rough play like that would be quite fun as the girls tease and rough each other up until they either both lose or make their opponent's water break.

Tom Titov

I think a time lapse might be interesting. They are in a competition that I would imagine will take place over a stretch of time. There could be something where they measuring and they take a picture each day and measure themselves. This could be periodically punctuated by segments where you could choose different decisions that would make one of the two women win such as eating more or different foods or choosing a different sperm donor that’s known for having large kids. The cutaway segments could be done in a style like a visual novel to make them easier to animate. The time lapse affect could possibly be more easily produced by having the normal expansion of the belly but make the center point of the figure move slightly by altering the center zero point to change quickly between frames. I could be off on how to technically achieve it just an idea:) Those are a lot of ideas so I’m going to separate them in separate comments so they can be voted on individually.

Tom Titov

Time lapse of belly progression over the course of the competition.

Tom Titov

Measuring progress by a measuring in aspect of the competition where they or the player would measure the belly and how much it has grown.

Tom Titov

Decisions made by the competing women affecting the outcome by affecting the size of the pregnancy.


Definitely want them to argue over who’s belly is bigger and who’s breast are larger and definitely want to see active moving pregnant bellies and have them grow larger threw out the duration of the animation maybe end in both characters giving birth or possibly them deciding to share

Tom Titov

I think the two bellies could be shaped differently one could be more of a “torpedo” and the other could be more round overall. One could have larger breasts were the other one does not but the other one could have a larger rear end. One could have more Belly movement while the other has a more protruded belly button. There are many different categories of more pregnant and this could be used to better distinguish the two characters visually from each other:)

Tom Titov

One funny end of the competition could be Quetzalcoatl coming out and saying only seven babies oh well. Want to feel them kick? You could reuse the asset from the previous animation and she will be bigger than both of them making them both lose.