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Well, we've made it through this crazy year! Pat yourselves on the back everyone! I want to thank you if you've been with me through the long haul it means a lot to me, and I hope to keep doing my best to make great content for you. And for those that joined recently, I hope you knew last month was a break month and I look forward to resuming content... now! Feeling fresh, recharged and ready to explore some new stuff!

Along the way we've had some fun themes come and go, so it was suggested that we do a runner up of all the themes that came very close to winning this past year! 

And if you're not feeling those, I thought of a couple new ones in the mix thought of during the break/ suggested by Tom Titov!

Let's give these themes from 2020 some love, vote your favorite!


Shadow TheNineTailedWolf

Personally gotta go with either self aware waifu or slime pregnancy Belfast Azur Lane


Self aware waifu! Just Monika.


Seriously, think about it. I bet you can really have some fun with a girl who can control a video game that she's in.


I agree with the esteemed Dr. Gyara. The only option is Monika.


Self aware and Water-melon. 4th wall hijinxs and becasue watermelon


vote for self aware

Tom Titov

I’m very excited about self-aware. Once again I voted against my own idea ah ah


Unfortunately, Self Aware Waifu is the only good one. So I'll vote for that.