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She's expecting an on time delivery before the month is out~ Putting a good amount of heart into this one <3 Excited to share!

I always thought that the studio that did My Hero Academia used blended stock photo backgrounds in a few places, so I decided to try out that style here. Saves a good amount of time so I can focus on other things too coincidentally! Also looking forward do doing my first Lamaze class animation! I've done quite a bit of research already on the breathing techniques. 

The final Alien Pregnancy Poll coming soon! Mina, Samus and Bulma have made it to the final round!





Now I kinda want to see more in this style. the *simulator* style like this one and, to an extent, the Medli one.


That belly though &lt;3 Can’t wait!

Tom Titov

Honestly I love the background idea because it allows you to spend more time on other aspects of the animation. Don’t get me wrong I love your backgrounds.


yeah, speaking of Medli i remember it said that the game wasn't about tetra when you make a certain choice(not spoiling) so i'm really curious to see the tetra's run that would be interesting. plus Lusty managed to make tetra so cute that i felt a little bad for her...

Dover Light

She's my favorite character. I can't wait for this!


I do love how Medli turned out. I poured so much time into it though (Working on it a month in advance) I'm not sure how often I could ever make something like that again haha ^_^; Especially when I seem to be putting quite a bit into the quicky as well. I always try to do my best though ^^


I like these games of yours that add a bit of story with the lewdness, it adds some much appreciated build up tot he main event ;3


I'm totally going to pretend that i am deku even though I am female it's my ship in the anime.

Tom Titov

I understand if this one takes a little bit longer not that I am anticipating that it will. However, if things aren’t going right in the middle of the night when you’re trying to complete your animation fight you can feel all right that we won’t be uptight. Honestly the first two rhymes were accidents and then I just went with it.

Tom Titov

You were right on your due date but I found the rhyme that I did funny so I’m gonna keep it up.