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  • Yshtola Belly Rub.mp4



Dropbox Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6f6ys4uilo4udxr/AABVGY4stjNCZsVBERQB4wKka?dl=0


Whew, it's 1 am where I am so I'm gunna upload this, sleep, and pray it all works out lol

Commission by Heatsphere, who has welcomed others to commission alternate endings to this piece! What a guy! :o

We worked a long time on her design together, hope ya'll enjoy. Some clean and wholesome bits, and other bits less so ;) Stick around for the raffle winner's Ghost Gal Beth by the end of the month~  

Yes I'm late on the the Pokegal poll, tomorrow forsure lol 



Dark Desires

Very nice. Well worth the wait.


Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! I love this one so so much!


The calm music in the background, the rubbing of her belly, the eyelid movement and her accurately animated labored breathing, the way her water breaks, her posture and body movements while pushing, the soft but pained voice acting that also isn't too over-the-top,


Just everything about this commission is amazing! It's unbelievably cute and so very well done! The quality work and the small details, I don't even have the proper vocabulary to express how much I absolutely adore this work. It's just so amazing!


i wake up at four am and the first thing i see is this ...... im happy


Awesome work!


Amazing! I think this is one of the highest quality pregnancy animations I've seen. Absolutely worth the wait!

Wynn Thompson

How do I express how beautiful this iiiisssss?


Just got back from work, so glad it's well received! Thank you so much! Like he said, Heatsphere and I definitely had inspiration from your art work, especially for the fluid parts^^ I think I might make it so she doesn't go down too far and more can be seen, thanks again as always! ^_^