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Crim 5009

We need to find out if there are any skeletons in the closet


I love giving Jack money every month for him to flip me off


Jack I just want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you for making music and videos of all your wacky awesome ideas. You are one of the most creative people I’ve ever seen in my entire life and you capture that same energy I’ve always wanted in my life. Thank you


Is it me or is Jack sort of starting to go back to his roots?


Love your stuff. Hope you are doing well


nice stuff


Also, has anyone noticed that the most recent stuff Jack has been posting either has no title, or just a .?


I see that Clay head alot my guess is he's planning something big


I hate it when you make a good song, too bad it’s short🤷🏽

kylie 🦷

antiquey 🦷

Ashten Baker

There’s a shot in here of a desk with the corner that’s wore down from age, I think k he’s got another video from a few months ago that has a bunch more clips of that same desk. I wonder if it’s an important desk or just something he looks at often