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Hey guys.  I've wanted to animate in a pixel-art style for a long time, but finally pushed to try it yesterday. It was as much fun as I always thought it'd be. I had a blast making this. It is NOT going to be a new consistent art style by any means, but definitely a nice thing to have when needed. I definitely foresee this style reappearing when I need to include a computer screen/cell phone, etc.

this video had nearly 400 frames, and they were all made in MS paint in 87 x 66 pixels. I hadn't thought about how this would make for a lot of issues in resizing, as most video editors will use different resizing elements for retaining soft edges like "bicubic smoother"

I hardhand my way through a lot of things, typically, and I ended up stuck when I couldn't animate all of these frames without them looking like this:

I went and learned how to use something in photoshop called "Batch" that allows you to transfer multiple photos through a function you create called an "action"

Photoshop actions are like a saved set of steps in photoshop that allow you to streamline a multi-part process into a single button/tool.

Its genius.

Anyways, I ran these ~400 frames through my "action" I made to resize them using a "nearest neighbor" resizing preference which is what people use who make video game sprites and various 8-bit/16-bit art.

took a few failed attempts, but resulted in the frames I used in the final video!
I was amazed by that batch thing, and how handy it was/almost definitely will be. Wanted to share with those of you who, like me, weren't aware it was out there.

Have a great day, everybody.


Goldie - Jack Stauber

♬https://open.spotify.com/artist/1vVHevk2PD45epYnDi9CCc $ https://www.patreon.com/jackstauber https://jackstauber.com/



This is super well done


Not sure if you’re into After Effects but you can import and scale and arrange without resizing the actual files and get sharp edges in there too.


Thank you sooo much jack. You actually taught me how to resize photos without making them blurry.


Jack how do you draw so good in MS paint my god its beautiful ;_;


this is definitely one of your best shorts. it fits so well with the song