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i can tell how much you want to go, you have literally been talking about it all week. it's important to you so it's important to me, but if we go you're gonna have to do something first. 




I'm driving tomorrow for the next 5 days and I'm nervous as heeeell 😭😭😭


u got this!!! seat belt on and lock ur door immediately!!! and stay safeee

Adam Percy

am i the only one confused at the story plot lol where are we going??


I finally got my car back from the shop today (the joys of having an old car lol), and did a bunch of driving around, and then you post a driving audio 😮🤭 I really do like driving around the province, as long as it’s not rush hour, because it’s so chill and relaxing to drive without traffic. I’m really lucky to live somewhere with so many beautiful views as well. ☺️ But I think I’d be pretty nervous to drive around big cities, tbh. I have no experience doing that. 😓 This was a cute audio, thinking about it like that. <3


Wow! You can run 5k? 😮 *whistles* I used to run 2k every day, many moons ago…. *gazes wistfully into the distance* It was pretty brutal initially, but after a couple weeks I loved it! I’d really like to get back into running this summer, it’s still a bit cold yet tho…. :/


The pinky promise is adorable… 🥺❤️


I also *just* found my passport, 2 days ago, after it went AWOL a couple years ago, so perfect timing for a trip 🤭🤭 (It wasn’t lost, I knew the spot it was in, but it was buried in a pile of paperwork that is currently getting organized or shredded :P :D )


I literally cringed at the thought of buying clothes on Amazon 😂 I don’t like buying things online, and I’ve been endeavouring to donate a large percentage of the obscene amount of clothing I accumulated over the last decade. I have so many nice things already, too many! For the love of God, no more! 😂😂


I really love this dynamic though - being in a relationship with someone who would lovingly push me to grow and become the best version of myself, supporting me, guiding me, loving me, and encouraging me, while always staying beside me… I’ve always wanted to be with someone like that… 🥺❤️ I’d love that 🥺❤️


such a sweet audio, k <3 you do reassurance so perfectly and as always i really appreciate the continuity


Might reedit this but I'm satisfied with this one.. Mmm.please dont make her do it k sigh.. but if she must,she must.logistically speaking,it's expensive but a good asset to have.hmm.. She heard you correctly that she can trust you won't push her to far and she can bail as long as she does the required 5k a day to get her reward to go?yes?..Ugh..ok she has no choice but with your gentle reassurance and encouraging words,i guess its possible.love the wholesome,supportive conversation in this audio.I love raw k.5 warm fuzzies for getting her in the car and one more will be awarded everyday that you get her to the end of that road safely:)🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🚗


I agree with everyone Gaby.you got this!your gonna do great!


This reminds me of 2 years ago when I first started driving. My boyfriend would grant me a wish every time I got on the highway. I kept driving straight and missed a few exits because I was too nervous😆


Yesss, very well said. This is what we all deserve. ❤️


Hm.. I wonder if this is related to the *car accident*, unless it's new driver status.. 🤔 I aspire to work my way up to a 5k, but 1k is more than enough. *fingerg*ns* But seriously though, just over 1/2mi is fine for now. 💁‍♀️ *Note to self* Avoid a joint Amazon account for as long as possible to avoid trouble ✍️