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it is the beginning of the end the final two movies in the franchise. we have never ever finished a complete franchise here, and at this point, i'm pretty glad the first one we watched together was twilight. this one is currently my favourite twilight movie thus far but I do have one more remaining. 

if you haven't listen to the first movie you can here.

if you haven't listen to the second movie you can here.

if you haven't listen to the third movie you can here.

What you will need to enjoy Movie Night.

1) have this audio pulled up on your device

2) loaded up the movie

3) start the audio

4) when I count down [3,2,1,play] press play on the movie to sync up the experience.



Andrea C

Because i love the shit out if this movie. Ill give you my commentary. OF COURSE HE HAS TO TAKE HIS CLOTHES OFF. THEY WILL RIP. My bff in high school wore chucks to prom lmao Breaking Dawn soundtrack is the best soundtrack hands down. CHARLIE. his name is CHARLIE BRO Charlie can and will say that okay. God dammit i forgot how much i love the song Turning Page Walking your daughter down the aisle. Something my dad doesnt get to do cause fuck that guy. Anyway Im loving the wedding outfit commentary. God this SOUNDTRACK. STOP I CANT your wedding commetary gonna make me cry. Billy and Charlie man. Best dads. I love these toasts. So much. Yes sir that would be bellas lullaby in the background. BLACK. JACOB BLACK. you are terrible with names. There ya go. The island. The house. Its all fucking GORGEOUS. Well now i need an audio of Knight talking and discussing the first time jitters with the listener. Thank you. I PAUSED IT LIKE YOU SAID AND YOU NEVER SAID TO UNPAUSE WTF SHE CANT CARRY A BABY IF SHES DEAD K This pack scene is my favorite thing in all these movies Seth is best boi Yes CGI. Fun fact, the vinegar from the pickles helps to keep nausea at bay. The book does better at showing Jacob's side of this part of the story K is Team Quil Ateara Those are such SHITTY COMPRESSIONS K SHES DEAD HOW MUCH DARKER CAN YOU GET. i hate the cgi on this child. He does not gave control over who he imprints She did not fast for the role. Its a doll. This is such a cool scene. BELLAS LULLABY. ITS FROM TWILIGHT. BRO. This is the first movie night ive listened to in AGES. but Breaking Dawn pt 1 is my favorite out of the 5. Thanks for the great time bro


the sunday scaries are starting to hit, so i will be watching breaking DAWN while i'm breaking DOWN. happy movie knight 📽️ ___ i think the kommentary in this one is my favorite kommentary so far, it was hilarious. i too am very much team bella's dad, and agree on the ranking: charlie, seth, jasper 100%. i had the biggest crush on seth back in 2010-2011, when the movies first came out lol. jacob black ❌ jacob kind werewolf ✅ only one more to go! thank you <33