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It's the start of a new series, the Pregnancy Series. Some of my most request audios have been pregnancy related so I figured I would make a series following the course a full pregnancy. 

I really want to be a dad, I don't want to be bad at it. I think talking about our fears helps us confront them. I'm ready to be a parent, I guess we just needed to have this talk to be sure. 



Courtney Clark

Would you be open to doing another series of this nature?

Alivia’s Life

Episode 1??? You’re doing this on purposee lol I’m excited but I sense baby fever




So will this series be 9 months long???




omggggg yaaaaasss

Andrea C

DNDNDJDJDNDND YOU ARE NOT??? aaawwww man my heart


Giving the people what they want. You’re seriously the best.


SERIES???! I- 👀wheew.. Anyway, I hate to tell you this but tutorials are important!




I love this! I feel like more people don't acknowledge (outside their partnerships) the fears that come with embarking on the raising a human journey. Also the comment about tutorials right there in the middle of a serious moment made me laugh very much out loud!


Love this 🥰 Thanks Knight


Sometimes I feel like the only one around here who doesn't have baby fever.... :/ 🙈 I just... I don't want "a baby" the same way I don't want "a husband" or "a good job" or "nice things".... Like, I do want those things vaguely, eventually... but I don't want them ASAP for the *sake* of having them. I don't want them simply because I'm supposed to want them, or because everyone else has them, or because they're a symbol of success in life, or because people think they guarentee happiness. Because, that's the thing, success and happiness don't come from having something, or "everything." They come from having the right things for you, in the right way, at the right time. I feel like so many people struggle in life because they spend so much time chasing The American Dream, rather than their own dreams. They want it done fast, instead of done right. They treat life like a game of musical chairs - they just don't want to be left standing when the music stops. But that's not a game that I'm willing to play. And if you know where to listen, the music never stops. And if I'm going to spend the rest of my life in one chair, I'm going to wait for the one that actually fits every curve of my body perfectly, and gives me support in all the right places. I don't mind standing alone for a while, even if I'm the last one standing. It'll be worth it. No discomfort, no regrets, no wondering, no internal conflict. Just... gratitude... and happiness. Sometimes it's hard. Sometimes it scares me. It would be so easy to settle. To let fear win. To choose shot term gratification over long term happiness. To tell myself that my hopes and dreams will never be anything more. To pretend that halfway happy is enough. But I have to love myself, and my future love, enough to be brave, and fight for us. I have to trust myself, my heart, and the universe. Because I have one chance, and I was born to take it... ❤ We were all meant for more than halfway happy. 💖


Sorry to ramble 🙈 The audio is nice and your tutorial joke made me giggle ❤


why did i literally say checklist right before he did? i’m a genius.