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Sunday's results! Took a bit to finish up, surprise earlier (Monday). Thank you all for the in-stream support from Hyperblast, Ahawk95, FriendlyDeathclaw, Somebody, Nagiro, and PteBogart! You guys are awesome. This week's requests were:

Kesis on her throne, requested both by Blobage and ExtremistLine

Ayn + Bailey meeting and eating, requested by MC

Both were a lot of fun. Kesis for Mother's Day! Her previous outfit is more of a ceremonial one, this suit is her more usual attire. Since adjusting my story setting to more sci-fi cyberpunk, the clothing needed some adjustments too. Kesis is definitely a stern, solid ruler and I think rocks the suit, with a stylish scarf to boot. The throne has also been adjusted to fit the style as well, from previous images (like the Ayn pinup of her sitting on it) where it was much more fantasy aesthetic. 

Ayn and Bailey being my two most sex-friendly characters, finally pairing them together was a long time coming, and I'm sure at some point I'll give some Predators characters scifi roles since it is an alternative universe, kind of like how I've put Bailey, Ayn, and Loki into -their- universe. It's a fun idea. But enjoy these for now!





Oof that's a good looking Kesis.

Cult of Dust

That's a good assessment